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Spiders are typically very reclusive, although some types can be aggressive. If you startle or annoy most kinds of spiders you may make even shy ones aggressive, and those that are already aggressive will get more aggressive and they will try to bite you.

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No, spiders do not get on your face. :) Believe me.

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Birds are not as deadly as spiders, because they have no poison as compared to spiders, which are poisoners.

What is a spiders home like?

Last time I checked, spiders make their homes out of the common webs that we see everyday. Unless you mean trap door spiders, who make their homes out of holes in the ground. Last time I checked, spiders make their homes out of the common webs that we see everyday. Unless you mean trap door spiders, who make their homes out of holes in the ground.

Do spiders make a noise right before they die to call other spiders?

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