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you log off and back on

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Q: How do you make the days go faster on panfu?
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you let him came and stay with you and that will make the days go by faster or break up with him if he does not

How to make a day go faster in Panfu?

You just have to have a shorter session. Or u could plan a timetable and do it quicker than usual!

What does it mean when your panfu profile says 2 days to go?

It means that it's 2 days before your birthday in real life and in panfu

How do you make days go by faster?

You can't. Don't look at the clock!

How do you make it one day on Panfu?

You just need to wait for the next day, then go back on Panfu. You cannot skip a day.

Where is mail on panfu?

umm go on panfu first

How do you get on Panfu?

You go on this website or you can just type in panfu i just type in panfu.

How do you make your tamagotchi V4 evolve faster?

make the time go faster. change the days when you press the center button, then press the a,b buttons together at the same time.

Can you make days go faster in Oblivion with cheats?

u dont need cheats just wait

How do you make the days go by faster?

Don't look at the clock or just fall asleep.!

How do you make a 2 Days go faster without changing a clock?

Sleep and don't wake up

How do you make it the next day on Panfu?

You just need to wait for the next day, then go back on Panfu. You cannot skip a day.