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Q: How do you make thebaine?
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What are opium derivatives?

Opium derivatives are substances synthesized from morphine, codeine, or thebaine, such as Heroin (from morphine) and Oxycodone (from thebaine).

What does siboxone come up as in drug test?

Suboxone most probably tests positive for buprenorphine, a synthetic derivative of thebaine. Thebaine is one of the alkaloids found in opium. I suppose it could also show positive for thebaine.

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reduction of thebaine

What is thebaine used for?

Thebaine is used to create other more effective opiate narcotic agonists and antagonists such as Oxycodone,Buprenorphine,Naloxone and a few others.

Is there opium in oriental poppies?

Papaver orientale does not contain any morphine or codeine but it does contain some other alkaloids including thebaine, which can be used to make drugs.

What is a benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline?

A benzyltetrahydroisoquinoline is an isoquinoline which is used in the production of analgesics such as morphine, codeine and thebaine.

What is oxicodone?

Oxycodone is an opioid analgesic medication synthesized from opium-derived thebaine.

What is the opium poppy useful for?

The opium poppy, papaver somniferum, is used to make Morphine and Codeine, two drugs that are used as painkillers. The opium gum may be crudely refined and smoked, or converted to codeine and morphine, and even further processed into heroin. It also contains small amounts of thebaine. Thebaine is used in the production of some semi-synthetic opiates like buprenorphine, oxycodone and the overdose blocker naloxone, among others, but thebaine for mass production for medical uses typically comes from a different variety of poppy, papaver bracteatum.

What is the chemical composition of Oxycontin?

I don't know the details, but oxycodone is synthesized from thebaine, one of the alkaloids found in opium. The other major alkaloids of opium are morphine and codeine. Buprenorphine is also derived from thebaine. Hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone, and dihydrocodeinone are all derived from morphine. Codeine is metabolized into morphine in our livers. BULL SH!T. oxymorphone is made from thebain. all the good opiates and the strongest are made from thebain.

Does hydrocodan contain codiene?

No, Hydrocodone 5mg Acetamin (325gm) contains hydrocodone and acetaminophen (paracetamol). Hydrocodone is a semi-synthetic opioid, originally synthesized from codeine (now sometimes synthesized from thebaine).

Where does Oxymorphone come from?

Oxymorphone is a semi-synthetic opioid drug related to morphine and codeine. It is derived from thebaine, a constituent of opium gum from poppies.

Does papaver rhoeas make opium?

Papaver rhoeas has a very different alkaloidal makeup than Papaver somniferum, the opium poppy. While containing virtually no morphine or codeine, Papaver rhoeas does contain high levels of the alkaloid thebaine, which, through complex chemical synthesis, can be converted into drugs such as oxycodone, buprenorphine, and the more potent Bentley compounds. While the above mentioned drugs are still usually manufactured using Papaver somniferum, many pharmaceutical companies, as well as national governments (read about the Nixon plan during the '70s) have considered the possibility of using Papaver rhoeas as a substitute for the opium poppy due to its high thebaine content. To answer your question succinctly, Papaver rhoeas does contain opiate alkaloids (i.e. thebaine), though not morphine or codeine (or the levels are so low as to be insignificant), and therefore does not "make opium" in the traditional sense. Further, conversion of thebaine to any psychoactive opioid constituent requires complex laboratory synthesis and equipment out of the reach of anyone but the most expert of chemists.