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Q: How do you make veena using clay?
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How do you make clay using oatmeal?

First you sell your oatmeal for money, then you go to the art store and buy some clay

How do you make the earth using green and blue clay?

Make a ball with blue an make the countrys with green.

What can you make with clay on minecraft?

You can make bricks by putting clay in a furnace and smelting it.

How do you make a model of a jaguar?

By using clay, or other types of craft stuf

Which part of the veena vibrates?

The string of a veena vibrates

What did ancient Egyptians make using mud for the Nile?

they made clay pots mostly

When was Veena Sahasrabuddhe born?

Veena Sahasrabuddhe was born in 1948.

When was Veena Das born?

Veena Das was born in 1945.

When was Veena Goel born?

Veena Goel was born in 1981.

When did Veena Kuppayyar die?

Veena Kuppayyar died in 1860.

When was Veena Kuppayyar born?

Veena Kuppayyar was born in 1798.