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Real life isn't a silly Anime cartoon about demons.

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Q: How do you make your eyes look like Kagome's from Inuyasha?
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How do you make a InuYasha mii on the mii channel?

get long white hair, make brows thick and white and raise till they look like ears then raise them over the head till it looks like inuyasha and give him red shirt, favorite pants,serious mouth, and anime eyes.

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they have eyes that look like a crocodile's eyes

How did the Maya look?

They had eyes just like you and me, these eyes allowed them to look.

What do a cheetah's eyes look like?

like normal cats eyes

What would inuyasha and kagome's baby look like?

I beileve that that it would be a girl and would be half demon and mostly human with miko power like kagome !! she would have silver hair with black highlights and have golden eyes. she would have fangs and claws and dog ears like inuyasha (but dog ears would have one medium black patch on each ear ) she would have inuyasha and kagome's personaliy ans powers. and they named her sakura which mean cherry blossom Izayoi which was inuyasha's mother 's name higurashi which is kagome's last name. She would have a birthmark on her upper inner thigh !!!

Were do you find episode five of Inuyasha?

at look down the side there will be a list of anime shows, look for inuyasha season 1.

Do inuyasha and kagome have a baby?

no... but it would be freakin awesome if they did!!

What do the eyes of a person with autism look like?

The eyes of a person with autism look the same as the eyes of other people.

Inuyasha online petition?

go on Google and look up inuyasha fan sites they might have some

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Why golden and orange vampire bats eyes look like?

What did Thor's eyes look like?

tHeY lOoKeD lIkE eVeRyOnEs EyEs AnD aRe GrEeN iN cOlOuR.

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A fish without eyes.