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well if you want a teacher to belive she is being rude to you bring your teacher next to the door make her say the rude thing and she will be busted

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12y ago

Try reasoning with them, and if they don't stop you may be better off with a different choice of friends.

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Q: How do you get your friends to stop being mean to you for no reason?
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How can you stop your friends from being mean?

just say that you won,t be there friend if they don,t stop and then they will stop

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stop babbling on to your friends

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Just ignore the friends and go for what is yours

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Kill them all. It is the only way to protect your puckins.

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Because if you aren't they will stop being your friends.

What do you do when somebody is being mean and making statuses about you on Facebook?

Respectfully tell them to stop. That it is not necessary and if they don't delete them from your friends.

When should a man stop being friends with his ex-girlfriend?

when the ex girlfriend is dating your brother or friends. that pissis me off it happened to me thats when all of my friends stop being friends with the ex and my ex bestie.

Your friends are ignoring you and being mean to you and they keep on telling everyone your secrets?

THEY ARENOT YOUR FRIENDS!!! the only reason they are doing this is because it makes them feel superior you should have the confidence to stand up to them or they will never stop especially if they are girls. You are your OWN confindence! Be yourself and don`t let your friends ruin your life!!! Because that's what your are doing!

Your friend is really ugly and every time you're with her nobody talks to you should you stop being her friend?

No. It's the ones who stop talking to you that you should stop being friends with. Do you really want to be friends with someone who can be that shallow, cruel and mean? And if you stop being "friends" with her because of that, then that would make you no better than the ones who don't talk to you when you are with her. It is much better to have one true friend, no matter what they look like, than to have a dozen so-called "friends" who judge someone based on their appearance.

How do you lie to a friend about canceling a trip?

say......"Something suddenly came up!" You do not lie to friends, or they stop being friends. Tell them the truth. If your reason is legitimate, they will understand. If your reason is not legitimate, don't cancel. well technically you wouldn't be lying, depending on what it is. But if your reason is not legitimate to them then they're not your real friends but if they understand wether or not it's legitimate, then they are a true friend.

How do you stop your friends being annoying?

Stop insulting her. Maybe that would help.

Your friend is being mean to you?

You need to talk to her. Tell her that shes being mean to you and it upsets you. Hopefully hse will understand and stop being mean but if she continues the way she is behaving then maybe you should start thinking about whether you should be friends with someone like her.