

How do you make your height short?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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You can't. Height is determined by DNA. Look at your parents. You will be the mean between how tall they are.

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they're not short in height, some people are short, some are not .

Is 5'7.73 a short height?

For both genders, 5'7" is not a short height.

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Being short does not make you less of a man. A man of any height is still a man. A tall man is no greater a man than a short one.

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No. Hot sauce does nothing but make food taste hotter. No. your height is down to genetics.

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No, it's a medium height, neither short nor tall.

Is 5'6.5 too short for a Guy?

It's short (I'm that height too), but not too short to live a good life (not that there is a height requirement for that). As Greg Rice (2'10" businessman) said, "Height should be measured by feats".

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That height is below average. But there is no reason why everyone has to be of average height or higher. It is short, but not too short. The world needs short people too.

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It depends on what you term short? Females tend to be shorter in height than males, though there are exceptions. Also, some males are short in height too!

What is a perfect height?

It depends. Normally, the average height in your group is the perfect height. Not too tall, not too short.

Was Helen Keller short or tall?

Height 5' 7" (1.70 m) slightly short

What is a example of a metaphor for the word short?

"Height challenged" is a metaphor that can be used to describe someone who is short. It uses the concept of height to indirectly refer to someone's short stature.

How do you become short in height?

Your height is, for the most part, genetically determined. If you have bad nutrition, that might affect your height. There are pros and cons to being tall or short. The best thing to do is to accept the positive aspects of being a taller person (and there are many). You will be the height you are meant to be.