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Q: How do you make your house look like a mantion?
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destroy it. or.... put some make up on it to make it look pretty

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The old look was okay; however, I really like the new look. It seems to make your house stand out. I think it would look even better if you had a patio set.

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They are actually old pictures of his relatives that he got altered to make them look like vampires when you look at them a certain way.

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The look for a gingerbread house is like lollipops with smarities on the roof........ Icing shaped like icicles, the original stuff, make sure to have icing everywhere... Hope this is what you were looking for !

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Refacing cabinets will make it look new and fresh.

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Find things around the house you could use like sheets, beads, string. You could also look online to see how to make a costume from your house.

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Just look up your question you will find a link that says house plans. everything will be there to make your house plan like the bedrooms bathrooms level garage and more.

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to make your house look pretty

Can you make a chaos chao look like Sonic?

You can't make a Chaos Chao look like Sonic, but you can make a regular Chao look like him.

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Add lots of bean bags and brightly coloured stuff. Hope I helped! :)

How can you turn your house into a board game?

put light up squares all around and in your house to look like the squares that Michael Jackson walked on to dance to Billy Jean. And make a barred area like your bathroom for a jail.