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It's basically just salt, sugar, and water and flavor.

About 1/2 tablespoon of salt to one liter of water. Also use complex sugars preferably (like honey or agave nectar)... OR even Brown Rice Syrup. Flavor can be anything you want, fruit juices, lemon juice, green tea, whatever.

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Q: How do you make your own electrolyte drink?
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How you can recover your body through electrolyte drink?

As of i know about the electrolyte drink, Iron man coco water is the best drink which helps you to recover your body and make your body hydrated. During the exercise we have lost our energy hence we need to recover our body. Iron man coco water provides the best electrolyte drink which have proper quantity of potassium to recover your body.For more details: ironmancocowater dot com

How can you increase the electrolyte in a Gatorade?

you can usually increase the electrolyte with some salt or some other energy drink added in to it.

Why do you drink an electrolyte sports drink instead of pop?

Electrolyte sport drinks hydrate your body, while pop does not. Sports drinks restore your body's nutrients and water and all of that stuff that you sweat out. Also, pop seems to make you vomit while doing intense workout.

Can you make your own alcohol drink for sale?

NO. What are you Mr. McCrazy

Do water and sugar make an electrolyte solution?

Water sugar solution is not an electrolyte because sugar is not dissociated.

What could be the potential health problems caused by drinking too much electrolyte drink?

you could die

Is an electrolyte a hydroxide ion?

No. No single ion is an electrolyte because they do not exist on their own as substances. However, some electrolytes, called bases, do release hydroxide ions.

Is sugar water an electrolyte or non electrolyte?

Its a non electrolyte.

Can you drink coffee after you have had a heart attack?

Yes but it may make your life shorter.Do it at your own risk.

What tequila do they drink on Entourage?

Jose Cuervo in the first seasons then they make their own called avion

What is the hypothesis for at what rate do cats drink water?

You have to make your own hypothesis, that is the whole point of a hypothesis.

Is hno2 and electrolyte or a non electrolyte?

It is an electrolyte