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Q: How do you make your pimples less noticeable in 5 minutes?
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If you have a scar that's about the color of a tan will going tanning or getting a spray tan make it less noticeable?

If you tan it will just make the color of your scar darker, but using the spray tan will cover it, making it less noticeable.

Is there a say to make split ends less noticeable without cutting them?

There is not a way to make split ends less noticeable without cutting it. You should get your hair cut every month to keep the split ends gone.

Does foundation make you get pimples?

As long as your foundation is non-comodogenic, it should not make you get pimples.

How do you use make up to make your double chin less noticeable?

fergies trick: put alot of bronzer under the area :)

How do you make white-out fade into paper to make it less noticeable?

smudge it with tissue paper or your finger. this method makes it dry faster, thinner, and also make it whiter.

Does flat black paint make your car less noticeable to radar?

No... The only thing that will make your car less noticeable to radar is the Classified compound applied to the military's F-117 'stealth fighter' and B-2 'stealth bomber'. I'm sorry to say, I don't think that's available on the market yet.

Are girls with pimples pretty?

Most girls experience pimples in their teenage years. Its perfectly normal, and can usually be concealed with a bit of makeup. Unless it is a very bad case of acne, pimples usually don't make a girl any less attractive. Except to the most shallow guys, which girls don't care about anyway.

Does toothpaste reduce redness from pimples?

YES! if you keep the toothpaste on ur pimple for bout 30 minutes hten the redness of the pimple around it will reduce, and it will make it stop stinging! :-) UPDATE: you can also use eye drops (that reduce redness in the eyes). It also helps on pimples.

If you drink powerade does it make you get more pimples?


Is it okay if your a model with pimples?

Models usually get any blemishes such as pimples covered with make up and treated with good pimple medication. So, yes, you can be a model if you have pimples.

How do you get rid of stretchmarks?

You can't get rid of stretch marks. You can only make them less noticeable by using a lotion or cream containing Cocoa Butter.

Do you get pimples for eating chocolate?

Ya, it is believed to be true. There should be less of sugar consumption. To reduce pimples, one should wash his/her face everyday and drink lots of water. Even if u r eating chocolates make it a point to drink lots of water.