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You can't nessicarily `mask` cocaine. But, If you mean `hide` the smell of cocaine `try` coffee grounds and/or bar soap with a dominate smell, also a body (living or dead). If you mean `mask` cocaine in a drug screen, you are up-the-creek. Time is the only thing that will give you a passable drug screen, usually A gram for every 3-5 days (depending on metabalism of your body).

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13y ago

Cocain raises the blood pressure try eating or drinking something that lowers it.

There is an alternative but it's illegal too try smoking weed.

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How can you mask cocaine in your urine test?

The real answer is you Can't mask cocaine in a urine test, no matter what you try.

What product can effectively mask the presence of cocaine in urine?

not doing cocaine

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Marijuana use may mask the perceived effects of alcohol and cocaine when the drugs are consumed together.

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Yes When u take iron pills iron is stronger than the cocaine so therefore it's gone..

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Marijauna use may mask the perceived effects of alcohol and cocaine when the drugs are consumed together. Marijuana is said to exert a synergistic effect with other medicinal agents.

What can you use to clean cocaine out of your body in 5 to 8 hours?

I don't know what will clean it out, but u can mask it for up to 5 hours with this drink called can buy it at any GNC.Good luck.This definatly works!!!

The shortest time cocaine will be out of your hair?

About 3 months. If you have been using cocaine there is nothing that you can do to rid your hair of the residue for a drug test other than cutting it all off. Coloring, perming, etc...will not mask that the drug has been in your system. Hair that is older than about 3 months will often no produce vaild test results however.

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What shows as cocaine in urine test?

cocaine + anything else

Is cocaine from a rock?

No cocaine is not from a rock, cocaine is from the leaves of the tropical coca plant.

What is a 20 of cocaine?

It is a measurement of cocaine. a 20 is .8g to 1 gram of cocaine.

What is a bird of cocaine?

36 ounces of cocaine or a Brick of drugs usually Cocaine