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we can use ammeter for current checking

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Q: How do you measure direct current?
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What is a dc voltmeter?

It is a voltmeter which can only measure direct current.

Is it possible to measure power factor for dc system?

noAnswer'Power factor' is a quantity associated with alternating-current systems, and does not apply to direct-current systems'.

How do you measure alternative current using ac ammeter?

I think you mean 'alternating' current ('alternative' means choice). The ammeter must be inserted in series with the load, just as with direct current.

What are the direct current instruments and measurements?

Direct current instruments are devices used to measure electrical parameters in a DC circuit. Some common direct current instruments include ammeters (measuring current in amperes), voltmeters (measuring voltage in volts), and ohmmeters (measuring resistance in ohms). These instruments provide accurate readings of electrical parameters in a circuit to ensure proper functioning and troubleshooting.

Will a battery supply direct current or alternating current or ac?

direct current.

How many types of direct current and what is the frequency of direct current?

There is only one type of direct current and its 'frequency' is zero.

Which type of current invovles flow of charge in two directions?

A direct current involves change of flow in a single direction. DC (direct current), at least on the macro scale. On the atomic scale, they seem to wander all over the place between atoms, and the average movement is what we measure as current.

Which would make more shock the alternating current or direct current?

direct current

Is your house alternating or direct current?

Alternating current. Direct current is used in batteries.

Current that doesnt reverse direction is called?

Direct current (DC).

Which is better for transmission alternating current and direct current?

Alternating current is better than direct current for transmission.

What is DC in electric stand for?

Volts direct current eg battery As opossd to Vac wich is volts altinating current eg mains supply