

How do you melt an ice cube in five minutes?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Put it in the microwave or on the oven.

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Q: How do you melt an ice cube in five minutes?
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How long does it take ice cubes to melt in a glass on the counter?

it would probably take about five minutes for the ice cube to actually melt

How many minutes does it take for an ice cube to melt?

20 minutes

What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

What happens to a cube of ice if it is left out on a table for 10 minutes?

It will melt because the hot air will melt it.

What happens to an ice cube after 5 minutes in a warm place?

It will begin to melt.

Will an ice cube melt in oil?

If the oil is warmer than the ice cube then the ice will melt.

What is the average time it takes for an ice cube to melt?

It takes about 6-10 minutes.

What are hypotheis?

a hypotheis is a prediction eg)if you put an ice cube in a cup on a tableyour hypotheis would bethe ice cube will melt in 30 minutes.

Does an ice cube melt faster on soil?

No, an ice cube doesn't melt faster in soil.

Does a ice cube with flour on it melt faster than one with out?

Well actually it does. It takes about 1 hour for ice to melt by itself. If it has flour on it, it might take about40 minutes to melt.

What melt first of a ice cube salt and ice cube with salt?

an ice cube with salt

Which would melt faster an ice cube of water or an ice cube of Coca-Cola?

a ice cube in alcohol would melt fastest because of the heating molecules contracting with the ice cube molecules