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Q: How do you melt and rerock msm with crystal metho ice?
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What did hi do?

Got high on ice and metho

What happens when pressure is applied to ice crystals?

Increased pressure causes temperature to rise, enhancing ice crystal melt.

How does an ice cube melt?

Ice melts when it is above 0oc. It is caused because the particles in ice are rigid in a Crystal shape. When the temperature increases the particels start to move around breaking out of the Crystal shape Turing into a liquid.

How do you melt the ice crystal in Petpet Park?

go and get it melted by bonk and go to the ghost to get a potion

Does ice with ice melt on it melt fast?


What happens if you melt an ice cube?

it will become water If you melt an ice cube it will melt

What is crystal ice?

normal ice looks shiny like crystal so it is called crystal ice

Is salt the same as ice melt?

no, but ice melt is a salt

Is corundum used to melt ice or as an abrasive?

To melt ice

What is in ice melt?

Ice melt is made up of chemicals that are intended to melt ice. These chemicals often include salt as well.

Can garlic powder melt ice?

No garlic powder can not melt ice.

Will an ice cube melt in oil?

If the oil is warmer than the ice cube then the ice will melt.