

How do you meow like cats?

Updated: 3/14/2020
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14y ago

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what you do is you say ow not meow in a cat pitch.

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When cats meow does it mean they are communicating or just simply making a sound?

Cats won't normally meow to communicate with other cats, but they will meow to communicate with humans. Sometimes they meow to show you they need something (like if they have ran out of food) or just to respond to what you are doing (like calling their name).

Who wrote Why Do Cats Meow The book is about all different types of cats like why they meow or why they purr There are way way more things about cats in the book like wild and non-wild cats?

Joan Holub.

Why do people say meow a lot?

Meow is the sound house cats supposedly make, so I guess they are just mocking cats. Cats are awsome. People love cats. Because they want to sond cute like cats. Maybe they are mentaly ill and think they are a cat. MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW MEOW

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it means they like to meow and are obsessed with cats. It is used to communicate when bored

What is anomanapiya?

It is a word that sounds like the thing it is used for. A meow of a cat is an anomanapiya because the word sounds like the cats' meow.

What are other names for meow meow?

a cats voice

Do cats only meow around people?

No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.

Do Birman cats meow a lot?

Birman cats do not meow a lot; in fact, they are known for being docile and quiet.

What kind of cats dont meow?

Typicly, all cats do meow unless something has happend to the cat at birth or otherwise. Every cat that has not been "changed" in some way will meow. Some cats like cougars and anything in that sort DO meow, just they all let out a more fierce growl. Hope this helps!

Was you called meow?

Meow is the word that is generally used to describe the sound that cats make. The word meow is an example of onomatopoeia, a word that sounds just like what it means.

Do Himalayan kittens meow?

Yes, all kittens meow even cats meow.

Why do some cats not meow?

The cat's meow is her way of communicating with people. Cats meow for many reasons—to say hello, to ask for things, and to tell us when something's wrong. Meowing is an interesting vocalization in that adult cats don't actually meow at each other, just at people.