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You don't need to you just use your battle my account name and it merges for you.

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Q: How do you merge your wow account with your battlenet account?
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I have a Wow account that was merged into a battlenet account but I do not knowwhat it is and i cannot merge my wow account into a different battlenet acc nor log in wit the wow acc. What should i do?

Once you have merged your WoW account with your username and password is the same as your username and password. For example my username is now my email address "*********" and my password is the same as my old wow password which you can change at any time at the website.

Can you merge your wow account more than once?

Your account can be merged once with BattleNet. Different accounts need to get merged separately. If you're talking about transfering your characters to another account or server, you can do so as much as you want but you still must pay the $25.00 USD.

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How can you enter a pre paid game card on battlenet for WoW?

Log in to your account and go to your Account settings. Click on the correct Game account under "Your game accounts" then click "add game time code".

What do you do if you got wow wrath of th lich king but you dont have a battlenet account?

Since last year, all previous WoW accounts have been changed into accounts. If you haven't, you cannot play the game until you have converted your account to a account. Visit the WoW website account administration to do this, or contact customer service if you experience difficulties in doing so. Remember, you have to convert to a account or you can't play the game.

How do you merge your World of Warcraft account with battlenet?

Well first you need to go to the website put you info in then put your email of the worldofwarcraft email and then you have to confirm it should be in your email box within 5 minutes

How do you take away world of Warcraft time from battlenet?

You can not take away time from your World of Warcraft Battlenet account once it has been added.

How do you merge two World of Warcraft accounts together?

If you mean merging 2 wow accounts so all the characters are available from 1 account, that is not possible. It is, however, possible to merge up to 8 WoW accounts under a single account. You can do this by going into your account and adding your second WoW account to it. This can only be done if both accounts are registered under the same name. You will still have to log into an account separately to access different characters, but you can start up WoW twice, and log in to a different account with each session. Addendum:The above answer isn't correct. You can certainly merge 2 accounts as long as your name is registered to both. The only exception to this I believe is if one of the accounts belongs to a minor over whom you have guardianship.

Can you unmerge your wow account?

Generally speaking, no. Once you merge you WoW and accounts, which everyone MUST do, there is no going back. There are exceptions, like if you want to unmerge one account and link it to another account that you own. But for this, you would need to call customer support, and they would help you.

Do you log in with your battlenet account in World of Warcraft?

Yes, you use your account to log into World of Warcraft.

Where can one find a WOW forum?

There are plenty of forums on sites such as battlenet which feature threads on World of Warcraft. However there are also dedicated WOW sites such as wowhead and wowlemmings.

Can you play sentence with just a battlenet account?

No. You still need to pay to play.