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Q: How do you move a Pokemon from your PC to your party in white 2?
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Can you take Pokemon off your party?

First go to your PC. second you will see Pokemon. three move the Pokemon to your party. you can only hold six Pokemon in pearl or dimond.

How do I change Pokémon's in HeartGold?

Go to your PC and, click "move pokemon" and drag it into your party.

How do you change your team on Pokemon crater?

go to Pokemon center, go down to where it says Pokemon swap and move Pokemon from your party to the PC.

How do you change your Pokemon in your party in Pokemon Pearl?

Well if you mean taking Pokemon out of your PC at Pokemon centers, you log on, and then select bebe's PC. ( if you didnt get bebe's PC yet then select someone's PC.) Then you select "Move Pokemon." Then you just select the Pokemon you want to put in your party. Then go to move when have selected the Pokemon you want. Now your hand on the game should be grabbing the Pokemon so you just move it on your party. When you want to switch a Pokemon you just press "A" and it will switch what Pokemon your grabbing. That's how ya do it. :D And if you wanted to know how to just switch the Pokemon that's already in your party, you select the Pokemon and then select switch and select another Pokemon you wanted to switch with the other Pokemon. Sigh! finally! Ok, hope I helped! >8D

How do you delete a Pokemon in Pokémon Diamond?

Go to the Pokemon Center and go to the PC and select the Pokemon that you want to get rid of, and choose release. If the Pokemon is in your party, move it into the box of the PC, and then again choose release. :)

How do you remove a ball capsule from a Pokemon at Pokemon platinum I can't get my Pokemon out of my party?

You can remove a capsule from a Pokemon by visiting a building with a PC, using the PC and choosing "Your Name's" PC. You should then be able to edit, move and remove ball capsules.

How do you change your 6 main Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl?

You can exchange the Pokemon in your party with your other Pokemon by using the PC in the corner of any Pokemon center. Choose Someone's PC and then Deposit, Withdraw, and Move will allow you to manage your team.

How do you swarp Pokemon from box to your six mean six pokemonon Pokemon diamond?

when the PC says what would you like to do, select move. Then grab the Pokemon you want from your box. After this, move the cursor down to where it says party Pokemon. Then it shows you your party you select the Pokemon that you don't want in your party any more, and put it in your box.

How do you remove Pokemon from party?

go to any Pokemon center and deposit them in a PC box.

How do you put your praty Pokemon in your PC box?

You first put 5 of your party Pokemon in your PC Box. Then you have to switch your remaining party Pokemon with another Pokemon from one of your PC Boxes. You have to have at least one Pokemon with you at one time.

How do you delete Pokemon from your party in SoulSilver?

you cant delete your Pokemon from your party directly but you can deposit them into the PC at the Pokemon center or you can release them if you wish to get rid of them the option is in your PC i do believe.

What is the PC on Pokemon games?

The PC on Pokemon is a place where you can keep in a computer if you have 6 Pokemon in your Party. The more full your PC gets the more boxes you get.