

How do you no if you have hard water?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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The water wouldn't form lather(foam) with soap,it would waste soap. It could be cold because most hard water are cold. Solution is boiling,using detergents because it dissolv es than solid or bar soap.

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15y ago
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No. There is different types of hard water.There is slightly hard, moderately hard, hard and very hard water.And as for soft water it has to have less than a grain of calcium or magnesium. Hard water isn't as useful as soft water.

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hard water is which has no ability to lather with soap standard hard water contains 1mg of calcium carbonate in every 1ml of water.

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More minerals in hard water

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chemistry involved in Hard water

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Forms of Calcium is what makes hard water hard

What S forms when soap is used in hard water?

Hard water does not produce lather. So soap does not work effectively with hard water as soap does not form a good lather with hard water.

How does hard water differ chemically from soft water?

Hard water has more calcium than soft water does

Can hard water make soft water?

hard water can be converted to soft water by boiling, filteration etc.