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Q: How do you not inhale smoke when smoking a cigar?
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Can you inhale cigar smoke?

Yes you can. It's not good for you. You won't like it. You do not need to inhale a good cigar to enjoy it.

What is the Cigar-smoke of a man?

A man smoking a cigar?

Is inhaling a cigarette like smoking it?

You can inhale the cigarette smoke, but not the cigarette. To smoke is to inhale the smoke when it's in your lips. You also can inhale the smoke when the cigarette smoke is near to your nose, or through your open mouth. But never try to do it. Smoking is very harmful.

How much smoke does the lumb take from a cigar?

You are not supposed to inhale a cigar. But even at that a small amount will enter the lungs.

Is smoke the same thing as smoke?

Smoking means to smoke a cigarette or cigar. Tobacco is the leaves of a plant dried and prepared for snuff, chewing, or smoking

Does Smith smoke?

Will Smith does smoke, there are pictures of him smoking on Google images and on YouTube there is a relitivly small video of him smoking part of a cigar

Do you cough the first time you smoke a cigar?

No. Just don't inhale.

Who do you inhale smoke?

You suck in on whatever your smoking from, which pulls then smoke into your mouth. Then you breathe in, which will bring it into your lungs.

Why does smoking damage health?

you inhale 2000 chemicals when you smoke a cigarette

If you smoke a cigar is it the same as 10 cigarettes?

There might be 4 times the tobacco. 4 cigarettes are worse for you than 1 cigar. Most people don't inhale cigar or pipe smoke, so it drastically decreases the chances of cancer of the lungs or throat, especially if it's only 1 cigar.

What if you don't inhale marijuana?

You can still get high just by holding the smoke in your mouth (like smoking a cigar), but it takes about twice as much marijuana to get the same level of effects. no it has to go in your lungs to get you high. meaning you HAVE to inhale to get hi. You can definitely just hold the smoke in your mouth. Please see here for further discussion of the technique:

Is passive smoking and direct smoking the same?

No, because passive smoking is inhaling the second hand smoke that Other people smoke and exhale. Direct smoking is when the person inhales the smoke that they themselves smoke. If you have a cigarette in your mouth, that's direct smoke. If you inhale other people's smoke, that's passive smoking.