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Noramally, is pretty difficult to determine wether the bird will lay eggs or not. But keep in mind if it's one bird, it wont hatch. It takes a female and male. Females can lay eggs on their own but it wont be fertilized. You could probably tell if the bird goes inside a nesting box (if she has one) often.

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what do i do if my parakeets have eggs?

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Q: How do you know if a parakeet is going to hatch eggs?
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Anywhere from 10 weeks to 10 years though usually on the tenth year you know it is not going to hatch

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Eggs about to hatch are candled to find out the stage of development of the chick inside. An eggshell is very easy to see through when held up to a light. This lets the farmer know the approximate time when the chicks will hatch. It also lets the farmer know which eggs are not going to hatch.

How long can a parakeet lay eggs?

If she sits on it right when she lays it 18 days if she sits on it after the second one is laid then 20 days for the first to hatch and 18 for the second one to hatch. That's just an average but seems to ring true.

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They have an instinct that makes them sit on them to keep them warm, and they protect them, so they probably do know in some way that the eggs are going to hatch into chicks.

What to do when the parakeets egg hatch?

It your parakeet lays two eggs on the botton of the cage, you might as well just leave them alone. By know you should have a nest in the cage. it is a big box in the cage with a whole in it. we got one a couple days ago cause my bird laid 4 eggs!!!! i know it is crazy. Well, good luck with your parakeet!!! Essa

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It will hiss and open it's mouth

Will parakeets hatch sparrow eggs if put in their cage?

it isnt likely. They will probably reject the egg, because it isnt their species. Also, even if they did hatch i, they might not care for it if they see it is a sparrow,. And sparrows grow up on a different diet and in a different timeframe than parakeet babies, so the parents wont know how to care for it.

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all eggs have an incubation time, these times vary for different species. You can not rush this time. The eggs will hatch when they are ready and the parents will know

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I Know It Would Sound Doubtful At First Look But Yes It Does Hatch From Eggs

How do you know when a pet parakeet is going to bite you?

When your parakeet is about to bite you he will probably open his mouth and lean toward you. He will be agitated or scared (and in a bad mood ).

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You don't ever really find out, until the eggs hatch, or not hatch in the spring. Because, even if she has not mated, she will still lay eggs.

What are the adjectives in this sentence Amy's exotic parakeet laid three tiny eggs in the nest?

three and the