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by using a biodome. by using a biodome.

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Q: How do you obtain an internal atmosphere in Jupiter?
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Is Jupiter's atmosphere thin?

Jupiter's atmosphere is extremelythick.

Heavy atmosphere or no atmosphere in Jupiter?

it has a heavy atmosphere

Why is there no atmosphere in Jupiter?

Jupiter has an atmosphere. Actually all the planet except the small core is one big atmosphere.

Can you breathe Jupiter's atmosphere?

No. Jupiter's atmosphere is mostly hydrogen and helium with no free oxygen.

Is Jupiter atmosphere thicker or thinner then earth?


Is Jupiter possible and practical for earth to obtain energy from the gases found in these planets?

no, it cant... because Jupiter have an atmosphere of hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, carbon monoxide, ethane, acytelene, phosphine,and water vapor

Does Jupiter a thick or a thin atmosphere?

Jupiter's has a think atmospehere.

What is the huge red spot on Jupiter?

A storm in Jupiter's atmosphere.

Does Jupiter have a presence of an atmosphere?

YES. all planets have their own atmosphere. Jupiter's is huge and thick - it is all clouds.

How is Jupiter's atmosphere different than Earth's atmosphere?

Jupiter's atmosphere is bigger than the Earth's and is mainly hydrogen plus quite a bit of helium.

Does Jupiter have a heavy atmosphere a thin atmosphere or no atmosphere?

Well, Jupiter is a gas giant and the largest planet in our system. But, im still confused when you say "heavy" atmosphere can you clarify??

Is Jupiter a planet with an atmosphere?

Yes. It is essentially all atmosphere.