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I do not believe that there is such a thing. If you have a POA granted in a proper manner and validated by your own court system (not that they HAVE to be validated) it is good anywhere.

AnswerThere are absolutely no guarantees that a third party will accept your Power of Attorney document that has been validated by your own court system. A POA executed in one country is not necessarily accepted anywhere. You may need to contact the consulates of the countries you plan to visit to determine whether your POA document meets the standards in those countries. You also need to ask yourself some questions

What exactly are you looking to accomplish? Are you going to be traveling the world and wanting a companion to sign everything for you or be able to obtain medical care in an emergency? Do you need to send an agent to other countries, one who can sign legal documents on your behalf? In that case, the agent may need to be registered. On such an important matter you should consult with an attorney who could review your situation, discuss your needs and determine what documents or certifications you will need.

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Q: How do you obtain an international power of attorney?
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Can I get a power of attorney form at the courthouse in Graham, NC?

Yes you can obtain the power of attorney forms you need from the courthouse.

Why would someone need an international attorney?

Someone may need an international attorney if they are trying to obtain U.S. citizenship. Many times, there are immigrants who want to move from other countries and need the assistance of an International Attorney to either obtain a passport or a work visa to be able to stay in the United States.

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The power of attorney expired on the death of the principle. The executor of the estate can certainly obtain a copy.

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You will need your tax forms and SSN to fill out a power of attorney form

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They cannot obtain power of attorney over you. Unless a court specifically appoints them, and then there would have to be a competency hearing.

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You must obtain a Power of Attorney from your son. He would need to execute a new POA document that grants powers of attorney to you. He would need to revoke the one he granted to his spouse. It cannot be assigned or transferred by the attorney-in-fact not can it be affected in any way by a third party.

How does a benficiary of one who is deceased obtain power of attorney?

A power of attorney can only be granted by a living individual. You want to be appointed executor of the estate, apply to the probate court.

Can a child obtain auto insurance for a car that is in a parent's name?

If they have Power of Attorney, yes.

Can my brothers girlfriend file for power of attorney?

You do not file for power of attorney. This is a power that one person grants over themselves to another person. If the girlfriend would like to give you power of attorney over her, she need only obtain the proper documents and execute them.

How do you obtain power of attorney for an incompetent spouse?

You can get a power of attorney form online or at your local office supply store.

How does the daughter of a deceased person obtain power of attorney to access medical notes?

The power of attorney only represents a living person. You would need to have a letter of authority as the executor of the estate.

How do you obtain power of attorney for my mother who is in comma?

You apply to the probate court with the proper documentation. The will normally issue an emergency power of attorney for a period of time until a more formal hearing can be held.