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Rylee Mante

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4mo ago
  1. Prepare and practice your speech thoroughly to boost your confidence and familiarity with the material.
  2. Focus on the message you want to deliver rather than worrying about how you are perceived by the audience.
  3. Take deep breaths and use relaxation techniques to calm nerves before speaking. Start with small speaking opportunities and gradually work your way up to larger audiences.
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7y ago

Glossophobia Information Glossophobia or Speech Anxiety is the fear of public speaking. It is believed to be the single most common phobia - affecting as much as 75% of the population. Fear of oration is ranked even above that of death. Public speaking and oration are sometimes considered some of the most importantly valued skills that an individual can possess. This skill can be used for almost anything. Most great speakers have a natural ability to display the skills and effectiveness that can help to engage and move an audience for whatever purpose. Language and rhetoric use are among two of the most important aspects of public speaking and interpersonal communication. Glossophobia Causes The root cause of Glossophobia, although occasionally unknown, can usually be attributed to:

  • a single or multiple traumatic incidents, usually experienced personally but sometimes associated with someone who has,
  • a slow build-up from avoiding public speaking over time until it builds into a more severe form of Glossophobia or
  • a series of beliefs formed early in life some of which have to do with speaking (ex.What I have to say is not important) and some of which have to do with competence and failure (ex. If I fail, I'll be rejected; I'm not capable).
Glossophobia Treatments Some organizations, such as Toastmasters International, Association of Speakers Clubs and International Training in Communication, and training courses in public speaking may help to reduce the fear to manageable levels. Self-help materials that address public speaking are among the best selling self-help topics. Some affected people have turned to certain types of drugs, typically beta blockers to temporarily treat their phobia.

Source: - Mental Health Chatrooms and Forums - Social Support For All

Regarding the answer below:

I'm a psychiatrist. Some people do have true anxiety attacks when public speaking, and sometimes this is due to hyperventilation. However, "social anxiety," which refers to such fears as speaking in public, is the most common form of anxiety disorder. I would not put a lot of stock in herbal remedies for this, and have never even heard of the "flower remedy" noted below. There certainly are behavioral approaches. I particularly appreciate the encouraging note from the high school student, below, as breath control can be helpful. Most commonly, psychiatrists utilize "beta blockers" to control anxiety in this kind of situation. Beta blockers are a form of medication usually used for hypertension, which to a modest extent will control heart rate. When the heart rate cannot accelerate, we are generally "tricked" into feeling we're not so anxious, after all. However, I'm all in favor of behavioral efforts like taking a few deep breaths, meditating briefly before the presentation, or even the old standby of (yes) imagining all audience members in their underwear. If all else fails, and if anxiety prevails, please do contact a physician for assistance.

Controlling Nerves when Speaking in Public Second to dying, people fear public speaking the most, even an IRS audit takes third place. It sounds as if you are having anxiety (panic) attacks. There are medications that work very well to relieve symptoms. However, they are for people who have chronic, not occasional anxiety. Many people are helped by listening to meditation tapes, learning deep breathing exercises, etc. In essence, training the body to calm itself down. Perhaps you can find comfort in the fact that you are in the majority when it comes to this issue. It is not uncommon nor the least bit "weird."

Here are some suggestions from FAQ Farmers:

  • Anxiety comes from breathing in too fast which can pump up the nervous system. If you want to relax your nervous system purchase some rescue remedy (Bach flower remedy) which is a non medical flower remedy easily bought from health food shops and concentrate on slowly breathing out more than in when very nervous.
  • First of all I am a student in H.S., so I am implying that I personally have experienced this. (nervousness). What I do is I control my breathing, say positive comments to motivate myself and volunteer, now it may sound easy but you have to want to get over this nervousness and just take things step by step, the worst thing is to flee from this problem, believe me I know! But now I tend to only get butterflies so try your hardest and NEVER GIVE UP!
  • The unease and butterflies and anxiety we all face, in greater or lesser degree, is a perfectly normal reaction to stress. Speaking to a group, for some reason, is often perceived as a threat. It's rare that an audience will rise up and dismemember a speaker, so I don't know why, but nearly everyone feels threatened by this experience to some degree. Our biological makeup, developed to help us survive, enables the "fight or flight" reaction under stressful or threatening situations. It's the resultant adrenaline that makes us all a little "twitchy" before a speaking engagement. The first thing to do to deal with it is to be sure that you know what you're talking about. If you "own" the content of your talk or speech, and are prepared, your anxiety will lesson. The other thing to do is that, since you now understand that adrenaline is the cause of your butterflies and so on, just accept it as nature's way of getting you psyched up for the coming endeavor, and don't let it make you worry. Deep breathing or mild excercise might help..but, unless you are totally stagestruck and freeze up, don't worry about it. Use that little natural chemical "edge" to help you be sharp and professional. You aren't The Lone Ranger here. People who speak professionally experience the same thing. It's just the way we're built.
  • Three things help: Practice, Practice and more Practice. In years past I would become almost paralyzed with anxiey when I had to speak in front of a group. Now I regularly do presentations to schools and convicted drunk drivers. While public speaking still causes the "edge" that the previous poster indicated, I'm no longer frightened to stand up and speak. The most important thing to remember is that you have to have something that YOU feel the audience needs to hear. Something unique that they probably haven't heard before, something that you feel will help them with their lives. If you feel passionate about your topic you will find that public speaking is far easier.
ANSWER - I may not be a shrink but I have had to face this my entire life. The first time I had to get up and give a sermon I was so freaked out. Partly because I was being timed and it was for a grade in Bible College, the other part was that I didn't want to sound like a fool or uneducated.

The first thing I did was KNOW MY SUBJECT by creating an outline that I could refer back to that would help with keeping me on track.

Secondly I ate a LOT of protein before going up in front of a lot of people. This curbed by "anxiety" and gave me adreniline. I was so pumped by the time it was my turn that it all just seemed to lift.

I rehearsed a lot before that fateful night and I knew my subject so well that it was as if something inside kicked in and I was on "auto pilot".

The "butterflies" will come to everyone, partly because you don't want to appear to be uneducated when you open your mouth.

That is the BEST advice I can give you. It won't stop the butterfly feeling but it will always kick in when you actually DO get up and speak.


Start in front of very small groups and work your way up.

At the very start, don't make eye contact. Do so after a couple of minutes. See if you can have a friend sitting in the center near the front, so you can face him/her.

Have notes.

Prepare anecdotes, and get the audience to laugh at the beginning of your presentation. Everyone will relax.

Have a glass of water handy.

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12y ago

Remember that song, "I am watching you"? Well, that's what it's all about. There you are, up on center stage, 50 to 100's of eyes on YOU. Is your hair OK, what about your suit or your dress, are you too fat, too thin, too old looking or too young? Are you speaking dribble or making sense? I'd say that it enough to make anyone nervous. Executives who speak to many people during each day are inwardly getting the "hurlies" but look calm on the outside. It gets easier the more you do it. I took a public speaking course and I it was the best thing I ever did. I could now speak in front of hundreds of people (and have on occasion) and not feel nervous at all. A very wise old man told me, "Marcy, when you look out at those sea of faces think of them sitting on the john!" I looked at this old man like he had lost his mind, but after thinking about it, I realized what he meant. We are not that different from each other, and usually what we think others are thinking of us is simply not true. Take pride in the fact you can even get up there and speak. The audience should not be assessing you, but listening to what you are saying. They just might learn something. Public speaking isn't that polished as it once was and I think it's great as it lets the speakers personality shine. I like to see "the real person" and not some carbon copied well versed person mimicking words. Further considerations on the causes of nervousness

# Thinking of self rather than having the mindset of helping the audience.

# Inadequate preparation - material and the organization of it, format, timing, visual aids, sound system, practice.

# Fear of an unknown audience, not knowing what they know or need to know. # Failure to appreciate the audience's viewpoint.

# A stressed state. Learn how to relax. Don't forget to breathe!

Remember! Most speakers feel nervous just before they give a public address. A little nervousness is good. It gives you extra adrenaline/energy which will help you to concentrate on why you going to speak about these things to this group. The extra adrenaline will also help you to be enthusiastic and speak with feeling.

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6y ago

I'm not the best at public speaking, but I have come a long way in this area so hopefully some of these things will help you as well.

1. Imagine the presentation exactly as you want it to go. Imagine yourself sitting in your chair waiting, your name being called, walking up, and giving a great presentation. Think about it in great detail and (this sounds dumb, but it works) make yourself smile really wide the whole time you think about it. Your brain will have subconscious positive associations with the situation when the time comes. This is my most helpful trick - it works.

2. Use power positions.

3. Practice, but not just with a mirror. Even practicing in front of one person will be much more effective.

4. Using different coloured markers, make marks beside important points in the margin of your notes. That way, you won't lose your place.

5. Experience. It's hard to get, but even things like offering answers in class (if you're a student) can help.

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11y ago

Keep in mind you are giving people information. Think about how you accept information from others. If you enjoyed learning your subject, imagine how others would enjoy learning from you, almost like returning a favor. Know your subject well with facts, don't over prepare with intricate details. Don't worry about what you don't say, or that someone will know more than you. If you teach 95% of the people something allow the other 5% to give you advice and educate you to make your next speech better.

Some advanced tips: Try not to read everything, if you find it hard to make eye contact at least scan the room occasionally to the side, above or behind your audience.

Try not to be robotic: occasionally change the tone of your voice, make an important point louder than your normal voice.

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15y ago

pretend the people your speasking to aren't there!! Try to relax!!

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13y ago

if you know somebody that is in the crowd and they are ok with it then focus on that person.not anybody else.

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