

How do you paint eggs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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It's harder to paint eggs than to just buy some egg dye and dye the eggs a certain color.

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Q: How do you paint eggs?
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How do you color eggs?

There is a special paint for eggs. You need to have a special paint for that. If you colour it with regular paint and eat the egg you'll be poisoned. ;).. You paint eggs on Easter in my country ;D !

What eggs can you paint on?

You can paint on hard-boiled eggs but you still have to be careful it does not crack. btw You can also paint on a plastic one

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Generally egg producers do not paint their eggs white. Some breeds of chicken will produce whiter eggs than other chickens.

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Greeks do paint eggs red on Easter, but anyone can do that, not just women. It is meant to symbolize the blood of Christ.

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acid/sulfur content

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The europeans used to make wooden eggs and paint them then the us started using real eggs.

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food dye..

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Paint, ether or rotten eggs

Can brown eggs be dyed for Easter?

Either paint them or PUT THEM IN DYE

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Why would a man paint his portrait on an egg shell?

Because he likes eggs.