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You look for the nails by going to places with metals like the places where there is an elevator. I suggest you look at the Info room, the place where you go to the elevator. Look on the wall and see if there's any light that sparkle, it's a white shining light. Use the nail extractor that Captain Musk gave you and click on the light. Then you will have your set of nails.

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Q: How do you pass the quest Nailing the trails it's the one where you find the nails for captain musk please help?
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Related questions

What is a blind nailing?

A blind nailing is the use of nails which are not exposed to the weather.

Which is correct please in the roof or on the roof?

That depends on what you are trying to say. Nails are in the roof to hold the shingles in place, but he stands on the roof while nailing those nails.

How do you attach moulding?

You use nails. Be sure not to damage the wood as you're nailing it in, though.

Can you nail horseshoes anywhere on its hoof?

NO. Nailing nails into a hoof takes knowledge. If you put it in the wrong place you can damage the hoof badly. There is a thin line that the nails are safe to pass through to hold the shoes on. Please use a farrier to shoe your horse and not try this yourself.

What are the appropriate uses of a nail gun?

The appropriate use of a nail gun is to use it for nailing nails to a board or other material. There is no other legitimate use of a nail gun other than to use it for nailing.

How many nails per square asphalt roofing?

Most asphalt shingles have a strict nailing schedule so the shingles are secure but don't leak. I have included a link to an illustration for an asphalt shingle nailing schedule below.

What kind of nails can be used when building a wall?

8d-10d cement coated if toenailing, 12d-16d cement coated if nailing through a plate.

Where is the set of nails for captain musk in spine world?

it is everywhwere

Why were nails pierced through the palms and not elsewhere?

Nails were typically pierced through the palms in crucifixion because the hands could not support a person's weight, so nailing through the palms would prevent the nails from tearing through the flesh. Additionally, nailing through the palms was a more painful and torturous method of execution.

When nailing down the shingles is it a problem if the roofing nails penetrate the roof deck?

Not as long as the nail heads are being coverd by the shingles. If they are not covered, they should be covered with roof pitch in areas other shingles cant cover or long life outdoor silicon calking.

What are the advantages of a staggered nailing method?

Staggered nailing helps prevent splitting of the wood by distributing the stress across a larger area. It also improves the overall strength and stability of the structure by providing more uniform support. Additionally, staggered nails can increase the holding power and durability of the connection.

How do you ensure you don't split the wood when putting nails in?

You can predrill or if it is soft wood (pine) or, some old timers would flaten the point of the nail with a hammer before nailing it in.