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It depends on the condition of the patient really. If you're in the hospital, but you can still move about, you'll probably just go to the bathroom in the conventional style.

However, many patients are bedridden, and can't move freely. They are often given bedpans, which are bowl-shaped, stainless steel objects that are placed near the patients excretory... orifices. It's one of the times where stainless steel is very, very useful. Once the patient is done going to the bathroom, whether number 1 or 2, the bedpan is removed and cleaned.

Some patients are given catheters. A catheter, in the urinary context, is a tube they shove up the urethra of the patient. Generally, though, this is only if the urine needs to be collected from a bedridden patient. If the patient has a catheter, they don't even really need to pee. When you go to the bathroom, you loosen a sphincter that allows urine to flow out of you. Well, if you had a catheter, it would do that on it's own.

Peeing in hospitals doesn't sound very appealing. 'Tube in the urethra' doesn't sound appealing in any building. Unfortunately, sometimes when people can't pee normally, backup methods are required.

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