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If we are talking about a Christian bishop, then the accepted essential part is the laying of the hands with the proper intent and an accepted formula of words spoken by the person making the ordination.

In apostolic churches, those that can trace their churches to an unbroken line back to the original Apostles, then a person can only be ordained by another bishop. It is considered that only males can perform and receive this ordination.

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You don't! The bishops are appointed by the pope and then ordained by another bishop.

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Q: How do you perform an ordination of a bishop?
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Can a pope perform an ordination?

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Apostolic succession

Do you have to be ordained as a pope?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe highest Ordination in the Church is a Bishop, and the Holy Father is always a Bishop. If he is not already a Bishop when he is selected as Holy Father, he is first ordained such, but there is no "ordination" as Pope, it is just a selection process, guided by the Holy Spirit.

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Only a bishop may confer holy orders on a candidate to the diaconate or priesthood. In order for the ordination to be legal in the eyes of the Church, the bishop must have jurisdiction and a papal mandate to perform this sacrament, unless emergency circumstances necessitate otherwise.

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An Archbishop or Bishop may only celebrate the Ordination of a Bishop with the Pope's permission, and there is no way that any pope would ever give permission to celebrate the ordination of an Episcopal Bishop unless you are referring to an Episcopal Bishop that converted to the Catholic Church and was being ordained a priest in the Church.

What are the four roles of a Catholic bishop?

Celebration of Mass. 2 priestly ordination. 3 sacrament of confirmation. 4 direction of diocesan affair. The most distinctive power of the Bishop is that or Ordination, ordaining priests and other bishops. Everything else a priest could do if required. The role of a Bishop is to be a successor of the Apostles, to lead his diocese, and to be in communion with the Holy Father. If you put in Ordination, you have four.

How long is a Roman Catholic bishop a bishop?

According to Catholic teaching (Catechism paragraph 1121), the 3 sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Ordination remain forever once conferred on a person, and thus can never be repeated. Once a person is ordained a bishop he remains a bishop even after he retires. Retiral, normally at 75 years of age, simply means that a bishop is no longer in charge of a diocese or curial department. He can still perform all the sacramental actions of a bishop.

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Monsignor is an horific title given to senoir priests who made significant contributions to the church. A mosignor is still a priest. you do not have to be ordained again to become a monsignorr/

How does Catholic celebrate Holy Orders?

Holy Orders are celebrated by the Bishop, usually in his Cathedral, at an Ordination Mass.

Can a bishop perform confirmation in the Roman Catholic Church?

The bishop is the one who performs it.

What power does a bishop have that a priest does not?

Quite a few, actually, but the two best known are: A Bishop can confirm and ordain. A priest cannot administer ordination and can only administer confirmation under certain circumstances with a Bishop's permission. Also, a Bishop is considered the primary exorcist, priests can only exorcise if they have been appointed by the Bishop.

How does the bishop ordain a priest?

Catholic AnswerAttached at the link below is a complete description of an Ordination for several Jesuits, with pictures. The Bishop prays over them, imposes hands on them, and anoints their hands with Sacred Chrism.