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Q: How do you phonetically say cheveux?
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How do you pronounce hair in french phonetically?

The word "hair" in French is pronounced as "ehr" or "ay-re" phonetically.

How do you say straight hair in French?

You would say "cheveux lisses" in French.

How do you say you hair color in french?

la couleur des cheveux

How do you say brown hair?

cheveux bruns

Who do you say hair in french?

les cheveux

How do you say hair in french?

les cheveux

How do you say my hair in french?

mes cheveux

How do you say is brushing her hair in french?

"[elle] brosse ses cheveux / [elle] se brosse les cheveux"

How do you say he has gray hair in french?

You can say "Il a des cheveux gris" in French to mean "He has gray hair."

How do you say very blonde hair in french?

des cheveux très blonds, des cheveux blonds clairs

How do you say black hair in french?

cheveux noir

How do you say hairbrush in french?

brosse à cheveux