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Q: How do you play the musical instruments in Garfield scary scavenger hunt?
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Who made the scary rocking chair video?

me, aaron johnson His name is Steve Zuranski.

What song was played in the background when Mario proposed to Lucy?

scary monsters and nice sprites

Why did they invent music?

Music is an Art form which can control human emotions. There are few who can truly say that they have never been moved by a piece of music. Whole audiences of people can be brought to the brink of tears by Chopin, near suicide by Mahler or anger and the frustration of Beethoven. Music can describe environments. How many times have you watched a film featuring a scary castle or an action hero ducking for cover. Next time you do, listen to the music, it will almost certainly be describing in musical terms what you are watching. Music is best heard played live. Who doesn't enjoy a musical? Orphan Annie, Oliver Twist, 'Les Miserables', have all been set to music where the score and the words tell a story. Let's face it a Musical is right out of fantasy land, it's not often you see Annie Oakley jump on to a trail wagon and burst into song, or the Artful Dodger sing how he commits theft whilst trotting around an abandoned loft. Music takes the ridiculous and somehow normalises it. Music can be used to show your piety to your God. People sing in Churches of various denominations to show that they love and to venerate their God or Gods. So with all this going for the art form how could it not have been invented?

Where can someone find dramatic intro music?

Dramatic intro music can be found on YouTube as well as on iTunes. Dramatic intro music is usually used to introduce a scary or unusual scene in a movie or drama production.

Is punk the same as goth?

Punks and goths typically have the same morals but are a little different. Goths tend to wear black with maybe a little Victorian edge and punks usually wear leather or tarden. Also, punks are very skeptical were as goths just view the world as a dark and scary place. Punks also typically get into trouble a lot, such as graffitying or joining a gang. Punks are also sometimes involved in drugs or drug cartel, however it is more common in goths.