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Q: How do you position a conscious asthma patient whilst suffering attack?
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the indication of orthopneic position is patient with cardiac asthma

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Which patient should be treated first the medical asthmatic patient presenting with apnoea or a trauma patient with severe bleeding on the proximal right extremity?

It's a matter of priority, what is more important loss of blood or lack of Oxygen. If the trauma patient is conscious put a bandage in their hand and tell them to apply pressure and elevate the limb if there is no sign of a fracture. Then you can concentrate on the medical patient. Put the asthma patient into the semi-seated position get them to take their inhaler and don't forget to call for the EMS.

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Why should skin turgor be checked in patients who are having an asthma attack?

Checking for skin turgor ensures that a patient is not losing fluids or suffering from dehydration. This is important in asthma patients because dehydration can worsen the attack by thickening mucus in the airways.

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What are the dangers of giving a patient with life threatening asthma Benzodiazepines

What are Asthma patients suffering from?

Asthma patients suffer from lack of air into the lungs. Persons suffering with asthma often have shortness of breath, will wheeze and have tightness in their chest. They would often carry a puffer to relieve symptoms and help them breathe better.

What to do if one is suffering from cough variant asthma but does not have bonchodilator in hand?

go to the hospital

Why hemoglobin level in asthma patient increase?

nekendhuku bey

Can propranolol be given to patient with asthma and hypertension?

No propranolol can not be given to patient with asthma, because it increase the bronchial resistance by blocking B2 receptors which consistently worsen asthma, which may even trigger a severe asthma attack.

What position should a dyspneic client be in?

The preferred position of comfort for most patients with respiratory distress is the Fowler's position (sitting up). A prone, supine, or lateral recumbent position would make it more difficult for the patient to breathe.

Any risk to live together with asthma suffering person?

No. The only risk you might have is the risk of not getting much sleep. Asthma is not contagious. It is a generic disease.