

How do you prepare an HTML?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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The basic HTML base to a HTML website is









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Q: How do you prepare an HTML?
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How long does it take to learn HTML?

Depending on your affinity for logic and your existing knowledge of typesetting -- with a mastery of both, hyper-text markup language (HTML) is not difficult to learn. Given each pair of parameters, easily identified by the proximity of characters, you can embed HTML in your text and prepare the page for viewing by a Web browser. For example, every pair of parameters 'opens' and closes' a text string. A pair is also required to define the start and end of an HTML page. Here is an example of an HTML page with a four-word sentence, styled in bold type (only the four words are visible to a reader: all the characters are visible to the Web browser): &lt;HTML&gt; &lt;B&gt; This text is bold. &lt;/B&gt; &lt;/HTML&gt;

Differentiate HTML tag from an HTML documents?

HTML tags are used to delimit HTML elements inside an HTML document.

How do you put HTML in PHP?

Its done exactly the same as when you put it in an HTML file. There are 2 ways you can do it: &lt;html&gt; &lt;?php // php stuff ?&gt; &lt;/html&gt; Or you can do it like this: &lt;?php echo "&lt;html&gt;"; // php stuff echo "&lt;/html&gt;"; ?&gt;

Is html a replacement for xhtml?

No. HTML existed before XHTML. XHTML combines XML and HTML, so it is an advancement on HTML.

True or false the latest reformulated version of HTML is HTML 1.0?

This is false, the newest version of HTML is HTML 5.

How do you submit an HTML?

I don't understand exactly what you mean by that but if you simply save a file with the extension .HTML it will be a HTML file that you can publish online. for eg &lt;HTML&gt; &lt;body&gt; This is my HTML page &lt;/body&gt; &lt;/HTML&gt; will simply show "This is my HTML page" on your web browser hope i helped

How do you cancel HTML?

To cancel or end an &lt;html&gt; tag you simply type &lt;/html&gt;.

What helps you create an HTML file by inserting HTML codes for you as you work?

Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.Special HTML editor programs, like Dreamweaver.

How can save the HTML application from in online HTML code?

HTML Application could be recovered as HTML codes. Saving the page as HTML could give us an insight about the structure.

Is HTML protocol or not?

HTML is a protocol

How do you create web by HTML tages?

Web can be created by creating a .html file. Inside the HTML file, you can put the tags of HTML.

What are the two HTML syntaxes?

HTML is a markup language and it's syntax is well defined. It can be used as &lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;...&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;