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Q: How do you prevent a bulimic from vomiting?
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I was dreaming about my daughter vomiting what does it mean?

You are weird and she is bulimic.

Explian a bulimic's food and eating habits.?

First, the bulimic eats all the food they can/want. Then, to get rid of the calories, the bulimic then employs any methods necessary, like vomiting, laxatives, extreme exercise, fasting, etc. This cycle becomes almost impossible to stop eventually.

What is an medication administered to prevent or stop vomiting is known as?

Anti-emetic (Against-vomiting)

What sphincter must open to prevent vomiting?


Are you bulimic?

About 1 in every 200 people is bulimic or has some bulimic tendencies.

How do you prevent vomiting from sinus drainage?

if your vomiting from sinus drainage grow some balls and get the F**K over it

Can a narcissist be bulimic?

Certainly, anyone can be bulimic.

Is there a surgery that can stop a person from vomiting permanently?

There are a number of surgeries for specific conditions, such as hernias or gastroparesis, that can prevent vomiting. However, there are no surgeries that can prevent vomiting without a primary condition being present first. This is due to the fact that a person's gag reflex cannot be removed surgically.

Do bulimic people reasurch bulimia?

i am bulimic and i researched it after i was diagnosed.

Is Michelle Duggar bulimic?

Michelle was bulimic in high school.

How do you keep from vomiting with excess morphine?

Nausea and vomiting are side effects of most opiate drugs. To prevent this an antiemetic drug, such as Maxolon, can be taken.

What is anti emetic?

drug used to prevent, lessen or stop retching or vomiting..