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Q: How do you prevent air bubbles from entering the line?
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What is the precaution to take when using measuring cylinder?

prevent trapping of air bubbles line of sight must be perpendicular to get the correct reading and avoid errors

What is brake system bleeding?

Brake system bleeding is working on hydraulic brake systems. This is when the brake line has air bubbles in the line. You open the bleed screw on the caliper and pump fluid through the lines until all of th bubbles are gone from the system, an air bubble will steal pressure from the brake system and prevent good operation.

Which is one way to prevent flies from entering the operation?

Install air curtain

Who can prevent toxic air from entering and exiting buildings?

No one. The air is toxic and out to get you. It's the government man.

Why is it important for the air to be filtered?

To prevent dust particles and harmful materials from entering the lungs .

What is glandsteam?

Gland steam is used in engineering to prevent air from entering the steam chest.

Why is important for the air to be filtered?

To prevent dust particles and harmful materials from entering the lungs .

Removing Air bubbles?

To remove the air bubbles, open the stopcock and the air bubbles will remove

A nurse recognizes the need for a device on an IV tube to eliminate air bubbles in the line?

problem identification

Why seal open chest wound?

Prevent air from entering the potential space in the pariatal lining and collapsing the lung.

Does oil prevent air from entering into water?

yes, thus the reason why fish die when an oil spill occurs.