

Best Answer
  • If possible, avoid whatever it is that triggers you Asthma.

  • You need to work with your doctor to determine the right combination of medications for you. Asthma can be very well controlled with daily medications to where you rarely have to use a rescue inhaler even if you're around triggers or exercise.
  • There are therapists who teach classes to teach people (children included) how to breath properly during an asthma attack. Most people panic. It's training the person not to panic and to learn to calm down and start breathing properly or leaning over the side of a sofa to ease the lungs. People who have several asthma attacks should sleep with their pillow propped up slightly, or, they should sleep on one side during the night with a pillow behind their back, then shift over to the other side and do the same thing. This is easier to do with children and harder to do for adults. It is also advisable for children and adults alike to have an air purifier in their bedroom and no pets in the room.
  • Practice Pranayama. It is a breathing exercise. Or exercise regularly. Eat healthy non-oil food, drink lots of water. It's as simple as eat healthy, be healthy.
  • Medications like Advair are used as preventatives to asthma also know what your personal triggers are such as a change in medicine could result in an attack,different people have different triggers (ones could be mold another could be humidity)talk to your asthma specialist about your triggers so you can be aware of them and reduce future attacks.pets are NOT bad for your asthma UNLESS you are allergic to that type of pet, many people get this confused. do not use your rescue inhaler more often or else it wont do anything the most you can do is two puffs every four hours or so. If you are still having a lot of trouble after about 20 minutes go to the hospital.
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9y ago
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10y ago

The only way to prevent asthma COMPLETELY is to stop being active. However not being active leads to worse problems, like becoming fatter and losing muscle.

But to help resist asthma, don't do major activity. Take more breaks than normal, and things like sprints are a very bad idea. Take medication as the doctor says you should take it.
Asthma could be caused by certain allergens, smoke, dust and mold.

There is no certain way to prevent asthma. The most you could possibly do is move to a good environment.

Also asthma could be generic, if it is you cant stop it...
In order to prevent asthma a person needs to understand how the lungs and the passage of air is affected leading to asthma and what environmental and other factors can cause constriction of the airways leading to asthma. In a society that has many environmental pollutants, processed foods and toxins incorporated in self care products asthma has been one of the illnesses to increase.

You may wish to consider researching into proper breathing such as the Buteyeko Method which has seen much success in addressing asthma. Also look into combatting environmental pollutants that affect the quality of the air we breathe

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13y ago

Simply, Not possible at this time..

It may be minimised by: -

Not smoking.

Ban all perfumes, deodorisers, toilet cleaners, soaps, vehicle emissions, methane, alcohol and much much more.

Destroy all pollen producing plants and, lightening which causes Ozone.

In reality, if you live healthy, are healthy, and have always been healthy, you have a slight chance of avoiding or minimising Asthma. The major reason some get asthma is from your genes. Could be your parents, Great grand parents or even much earlier from a gene that was dormant.

Some medical reports indicate that it is also caused by environmental pollution. The school of thought is still out on this, but evidence, though still in its' infancy, appears substatiated but "iffy".

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14y ago

You need to find out what triggers the asthma attack and then attack the disease. You may be allergic to something that brings the attack on. Dust mites, pollen, dander from animals, feathers and many other things can affect asthma if you are allergic to them. See a specialist in the field of Allergies and asthma. Hope this helps.

Another thing that may help (help me sometimes and i read about it online so probably helps others) is try to drink tea or coffee (or something with caffeine)

hope it will help you :-)

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13y ago

Step one would be prevention. Using a daily control medication will greatly reduce your chance of having an asthma attack.

Also you want to avoid whatever triggers your asthma. Dust, smoke, and pets are just a few popular triggers.

At the first sign of an asthma attack you want to use an inhaler to avoid the symptoms becoming worse.if using the inhaler as directed is not alleviating the symptoms, you may want to visit a hospital for treatment.

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13y ago

To prevent asthma, you would need to diagnose the type of asthma you have. There are asthma specialists who can help treat asthma and give suggestions on prevention. Some asthmatics need inhalers, while some should just stay from certain allergens or irritants. Also, some people are asthmatic in relation to exercise (exercise-induced asthma) and may need to have their exercise regulated, or have a supplemental inhaler to assist their workout needs.

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12y ago

You can't prevent asthma, it's just like allergies. You inherit it. You can't control whether you have it or not. But you can prevent asthma attacks. Don't frequently run for long periods of time, use inhalers and medications as prescribed as a doctor, eliminate dust, mold, and other allergens from your home and stay away from them in general.

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9y ago

Asthma can be difficult for some people to manage and control. First, it's vital to use your long-term meds every day. These meds typically control inflammation that contributes to asthma attacks. Make sure you keep an up-to-date rescue inhaler and use it as directed. Do not exceed recommended doses. If your meds do not control your symptoms, talk to your doctor. There are many new med combinations that work well, but you might need to try a few before finding what helps you the most.

You're right to ask about prevention tactics. So second, know your triggers. Allergens, dust, cigarette smoke, chemicals, chemical and perfumed odors, cooking odors, etc. are all known asthma triggers. Some people with COPD--of which asthma is as a chronic lung condition--are triggered by cold air or other so-called minor irritant. Drinking barely lukewarm water can be a trigger, while ice cold water or hot drnks trigger less often.

Third, avoid places you know might have triggers. Some people resort to wearing a 'dust mask' when outside on windy days. Other people put a scarf around the nose and mouth. Humified air, versus dry air, can help keep the airway moist. Drier air, especially inside during cold months, can dry the mucous membranes and trigger coughs that lead to an attack.

Fouth, have a doctor evaluate you for GERD, or acid reflux, and sinusitis. Both can produce annoying chronic cough that can set off an asthma attack.

Fifth, avoid people with colds and respiratory flu. Asthma makes you more prone to bronchitis and pneumonia. Always seek treatment if your asthma changes, worsens, or you have new symptoms.

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12y ago

i don't know if you can stop asthma but you can minimize the condition from worsening by staying away from smoking people.

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12y ago

An asthma attack can be prevented by using a puffer of ventolin or another substance that opens up your airways.

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How do you prevent from getting asthma?

You can't prevent it as such, it is inherited sort of from your parents, well I inherited it from my mum. If your gonna get it your gonna get it :(

How do you prevent children from getting asthma?

Children can prevent getting asthma by drinking plenty of apple juice. British scientists have discovered that if a child drink plenty of apple juice it can prevent a him/her from getting asthma. Until the exact cause of asthma is discovered, there can be no cure or method of prevention. There are probably some studies that show certain things that are linked to asthma or to the lack of instances of asthma, but they don't prove that asthma is prevented or cured by them, only that there seems to be some relation between asthma and certain other things. Those relationships could just as easily be coincidences as anything else, so they just mean that they warrant further studies.

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No ive had it for 14 years and i tan better than my whole family

What can cause disorders of the lunus like cancer or asthma?

Things that can cause disorders of the lunas like cancer or asthma are allergies to dust,mold,or pollen. Avoiding these things can help prevent asthma attacks. Doctors can prescribe medication to help prevent asthma attacks. With good medical care,a person with asthma can lead a normal life.

Can sneezing prevent a person from getting aids?

No it can not.

Any risk to live together with asthma suffering person?

No. The only risk you might have is the risk of not getting much sleep. Asthma is not contagious. It is a generic disease.

Can you get asthma if you're fat?

Anyone can get asthma, but being fit we can prevent this. If anyone has asthma, their overweight makes it more difficult to breathe.

What does an asthma pump do?

Asthma is a breathing disorder, in which when your allergies act up, your throat gets swollen and makes it harder to breathe. this is also refereed to as an "asthma attack", or a sudden break of asthma from allergies.

True or false asthma can be spread from person to person?

False. Asthma isn't contagious.

Who made contributes to prevent asthma?

Albert Einstein

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Some convictions.

How can you avoid getting asthma?

by getting away from people who smoke