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buy anti virus, norton 360 gold v7 will do the job.....

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Q: How do you prevent computer sabotage?
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Related questions

Why were people moved to internment camps during world war 2?

To prevent them from spying or committing sabotage

What are some examples of computer sabotage?

DDoS is one, viruses like Trojan, side SQL injections...

What is a sentence for sabotage?

Examples :"During the war, the military captured several spies who were trying to sabotage defense plants.""Bill put salt in the fruit punch in an attempt to sabotage Bob's party."''The bombing was a spectacular act of sabotage.''

How do you prevent computer viruses infecting your computer?


How do you sabotage?

you sabotage the information by giving the wrong information

What virus can corrupt hardware?

Actually, there are computer viruses that are designed to shut down important parts of your computer hardware than can lead to damage to many physical parts of your computer.

What does sabatoge mean in German?

Sabatoge is not a word in German. If you mean sabotage thenthe verb "sabotage" translates into German as "sabotieren"the noun sabotage translates into German as Sabotage

How can you use sabotage in a sentence?

You can not sabotage my house. It is made of steel!

how to sabotage on amnogs us?

There is a little piece on the screen that says Sabotage

What is the verb form of the noun sabotage?

Sabotage is also a verb. For example "to sabotage something" is an action and therefore a verb.

Can you use brain computer interface BCI to manipulate world financial market prices or sabotage anyone anywhere anytime?


What can you use to prevent the theft of data from a computer?

You can prevent theft of data from a computer through using strong passwords.