

How do you prevent shingles?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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to get a shingles vaccination ask ur doctor about the vaccination

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Q: How do you prevent shingles?
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Related questions

Can you get the shingles vaccine if you have the shingles now?

No. Vaccines are to prevent diseases, not cure or treat them.

Can chickenpox vaccine prevent shingles by cryosurgery?

Those who have had chickenpox vaccine have a lower risk of shingles, but you can talk with your health care provider about getting shingles vaccine. I have no idea what cryosurgery has to do with shingles.

Are there ways to prevent shingles without a vaccine?

Strengthening the immune system by making lifestyle changes is thought to help prevent the development of shingles. eating a well-balanced diet rich in essential vitamins and minerals, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and reducing stress.

How do you prevent a roof of a house from rusting?

Use wooden shingles.

Where can I learn about preventing shingles?

There is no known 100% effective way to prevent shingles. If you are of a certain age you can get a singles-prevention shot and it will help do it's best to keep it from happening.

What good can a vaccine be if one has had chickenpox?

Chickenpox vaccine isn't needed if you've had chickenpox in the past. Shingles vaccine is recommended for patient 60 and over to prevent shingles.

How do you prevent roofing nails from rusting off?

The nails should be covered by the shingles or caulk. They should not be rusting.

Does shingles always have open weeping lesions?

Not at all, but it can. Early disgnosis and treatment can prevent serious sores.

For what purpose are shingles used?

Shingles are used to prevent water from entering a home through a roof. They are placed in the upper section of the house overlapping eachother, when it rains, the water just floats out of the roof.

Can you get shingles from shingles if you have had shingles before?

No. Shingles is not contagious, but someone with shingles can give chicken pox or varicella to someone who has not had chicken pox before.

What is valacyclovir hcl used for?

No such drug. Valaciclovir is used to treat and prevent herpes simplex and related infections, such as genital herpes, shingles and CMV.

What is shingles in Spanish?
