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Q: How do you prevent silver plated from tarnishing?
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Will 925 silver tarnish?

Yes, .925 silver can tarnish and appear dirty. A good polish will help keep your silver clean and prevent tarnishing.

How do you remove and prevent silver tarnish?

Well, to help prevent silver tarnishing, the most simple way would be placing the silver in a ziploc bag or some such, or sitting a decently sized piece of chalk in the drawer or box you keep the silver in.

Why is a silver platter tarnishing a physical property?

Silver platter tarnishing is a chemical change: a reaction with hydrogen sulfide.

Can you stop sterling silver from tarnishing?


Is silver tarnishing is a chemical change?

Tarnishing is a chemical change. It results from the oxidization of silver exposed to oxygen in the air that produces a thin layer of silver oxide on the surface of the silver.

Is silver tarnishing a chemical?

yes, I believe its the addition of oxygen to silver.

Is tarnish of silver physical or chemical change?

The tarnishing of silver is due to a reaction with hydrogen sulfide. Because the end result of the tarnish is silver sulfide, it is a chemical change.

Is silver tarnishing chemical change or chemical property?

The actual tarnishing action is a chemical change, as a new compound (silver oxide) is formed.

What is silver plated zinc?

it is zinc plated in silver

Is silverware tarnishing physical or chemical change?

Tarnishing is actually oxidation of the silver, so it would be a chemical change.

What property of silver may discourage people from buying silver jewelry?

Because silver is prone to tarnishing a lot of people do not like to buy it. Platinum may be a better alternative to those that do not want to deal with the tarnishing of silver.

Is there such thing as gold plated silver?

yes there indeed is gold plated silver does exist it is regular silver jewelry cowered in gold it is to those who love silver but also love gold and cant afford it gold plated silver is by 30% cheaper than real gold hope i helped. Silver is more than 30% cheaper than gold.Silver covered in gold plate is called silver gilt.Its often used to stop the silver tarnishing or pitting where it might come into contact with certain chemicals & minerals.A silver salt is one such example.This is a small bowl that is plated inside so that salt may be stored for use at a dinner table.Sometimes silver is plated with gold to make it look like gold or to stop allergic reaction, as some people cannot wear silver next to the skin.