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You'll want to change the bedding at least once weekly. If there are places without bedding, you can wipe with a paper towel. I do this daily in a plastic "condo" that is so small, bedding just won't work in there. My hamsters nest in a small plastic dome (it was intended to be the "outhouse" and so I change the bedding there every other day. I have no smell. Good luck!

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14y ago

The first thing is to prevent your hamster's cage from smelling. Clean it regualry and watch for food not to be left for too long inside it. You can also try to wash the hamster itself (it's possible).

Of course you can prevent the hay smell and the "animal" smell so you'll have to ventilate the room at least once a day. Usually people do it each morning.

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10y ago

Use cedar chips in their cage. You can buy fragrence smelling stuff to put on your hamster for $5 or so.

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take the top of but make shore it doesnt ascape or run away

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Your hamster doesn't need any scent and if the hamster smells bad it is not because of your buddy it is the CAGE. So clean the cage if your hamster smells. Do not make your hamster smellgood by spraying or putting scent on it. If you spray some on it the hamster might get the water in it's nose or mouth. Don't put any scent on it because they have strong nose of smell. Even though i didn't say yes or no. Don't put any scent on it.

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I can't see why you would't be able to. Just make sure the cage is away from the candle.

How do you make a hamster cage?

how to make a hamsters cage you can use meatel like alot then us hot glue and make it in to square and remember to make a door.i would recommend a store bought cage...make sure your hamster can not get out ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Can you make a hamster cage out of a bin with a top on the top of it?

No. It would not be safe or healthy for the hamster.

How tall should hamster walls be?

Well, It can be 6 foot tall if you like just make sure that the hamster cant climb out! If you get a cage with bars MAKE SURE that your hamster cant get out. If you get a barred cage also make sure that there is plastic at the top (so your hamster cant get out) Have a great time with your hamster

How do you make your hamster diurnal?

Cover up your hamster's cage during the day and make it light during the night.

Does anyone have any idea how to make a wooden hamster cage from scratch?

u get wood and make it into a cage ------------------------------ try searching on a woodworking website, or buy a cage

What can a dwarf hamster sleep on?

They will make a nest out of the bedding you put in the cage.

What should i do when my hamster ran away?

1. Make your house hamster proof! Cover electric cables. Keep other animals away from where you think the hamster may be. Remove anything that the hamster may chew on that will make him sick. (soap, make up, chocolate, plastic objects etc) 2. Try and catch it. Get a container (cardboard box etc) and make it so the hamster can get inside but not back out. Have some food and water in the box . Hamsters are attracted to the smell of water.