

How do you print even number in qbasic?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Q: How do you print even number in qbasic?
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How do you do Qbasic programs?

type: PRINT "I like chocalate!"

How do you print the first 20 even numbers in qbasic?

startNum% = 0 endNum% = 38 counter% = 1 PRINT "Counter", "Number" PRINT FOR num% = startNum% TO endNum% STEP 2 PRINT counter%, num% counter% = counter% + 1 NEXT *NOTE*: This prints out all of the even numbers starting from 0 up to 38; if you didn't wish 0 to be included as well; then, change it to say... startNum% = 2 endNum%= 40

Write a qbasic program to accept a no and print it multiple table?

Cls print the multiples tables of 1 to 5 for x=1 to 5 for y=1 to 10 print x;"*";y;"=";x*y next y print print next x end

What does the QBASIC automatically capitalize for you?

EXAMPLE 1 The QBASIC program will, automatically, *capitalize* any reserved 'keyword' which it finds once you've already gone and typed in a line of code; and, then, at the end of that code line, do finally press the [RETURN/ENTER] confirm what you've just gone and typed in. A keyword might be say the PRINT command, if I were to type inside of the QBASIC editor the following line of code... print 1+1 ...then, the moment I press the [RETURN/ENTER] key when I get to the end of that line...the QBASIC interpreter program will, automatically, change the 'lower case' word: become all UPPERCASE, instead; QBASIC Editor will display the previous line of code I typed in as being... PRINT 1+1 ...thus, I am able to tell immediately that PRINT is a special reserved 'keyword'/or, command statement which the QBASIC program, quite clearly, recognizes and understands. This also helps me the programmer to know if I actually typed in that 'keyword' either correctly/or, incorrectly; if wrong...and, the program did NOT automatically capitalize it...; then, I know I must have either accidentally 'misspelled' the keyword/or, must otherwise have done something to go get it wrong...?! EXAMPLE 2 If I were to type in to the QBASIC Editor program the following line of code using all 'lower case' letters... x=10: if x=10 then print "ten" else print "NOT ten" ...and, then, when I've reached the end of that line of code, press [RETURN/ENTER] key to confirm my code entry; the QBASIC interpreter program will, automatically, respond by capitalizing any reseved 'keywords' that it finds; then, QBASIC Editor displays the line of code I typed in as being... x=10 : IF x=10 THEN PRINT "ten" ELSE PRINT "NOT ten" Looking at this newly capitalized tells me that... IF/THEN/ELSE/PRINT...are all QBASIC reserved 'keywords'. NOTE: Whatever is a string a text that is written in between double quote marks: ("") will be totally unaffected by such capitalizing; instead, text strings will be printed out, quite literally, 'as is'. FINAL NOTE There are far too many QBASIC 'keywords' for me to go and list here; possibly, a couple hundred...! QBASIC has many 'keywords' that it uses; if you wish to see what ALL of these keywords are; then, from inside of the QBASIC Editor program a combination key press of: [SHIFT] + [F1]...and, there you will see the Help file...that shows each 'keyword' you can use to write QBASIC programs with; as well as, offering a clear explanation/it shows 'example codes' demonstrating exactly how each of these 'keywords' should be used; just do 'copy & paste'/then, RUN the program to follow these examples along.

How do you add odd numbers only in qbasic from 1 to 10?

CLS FOR eachNum%=1 TO 10 STEP 2 PRINT eachNum% NEXT

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startNum% = 0 endNum% = 38 counter% = 1 PRINT "Counter", "Number" PRINT FOR num% = startNum% TO endNum% STEP 2 PRINT counter%, num% counter% = counter% + 1 NEXT *NOTE*: This prints out all of the even numbers starting from 0 up to 38; if you didn't wish 0 to be included as well; then, change it to say... startNum% = 2 endNum%= 40

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QBASIC operators are listed as follows.../along with some example QBASIC code... ->LOGICAL OPERATORS AND OR NOT EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- A=1 B=1 IF (A AND B) THEN PRINT "Result: True" ELSE PRINT "Result: False" ...output... Result: True A=1 B=2 IF (A AND B) THEN PRINT "Result: True" ELSE PRINT "Result: False" ...output... Result: False -> MATHEMATICAL OPERATORS + plus - minus * multiply / divide MOD division remainder ^ raise to the power EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- num1=4 num2=2 PRINT num1 + num2 PRINT num1 - num2 PRINT num1 * num2 PRINT num1 / num2 PRINT num1 MOD num2 PRINT num1 ^ num2 ...output... 6 2 8 2 0 16 -> COMPARISON OPERATORS = equals > greater than < lesser than >= greater than/or, equals <= lesser than/or, equals <> not EXAMPLE QBASIC CODE:- num1 = 6 num2 = 8 IF num1 = num2 THEN PRINT "Equal to" IF num1 > num2 THEN PRINT "Greater than" IF num1 < num2 THEN PRINT "Lesser than" IF num1 >= num2 THEN PRINT "Greater than/or, equal to" IF num1 <= num2 THEN PRINT "Lesser than/or, equal to" IF num1 <> num2 THEN PRINT "NOT equal" ...output... Lesser than Lesser than/or, equal to NOT equal

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Give your numbers the names 'A' and 'B', and use these program lines. Whichever of the two numbers is greater will be printed. G = A If B > A THEN G = B. PRINT "The greater number is "; G

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5 45 345 2345 12345