

How do you pronounce Stabyhoun?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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9y ago

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The Stabyhoun is a dog breed. The word is pronounced "sta-BAY-hoon."

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Which country did the Stabyhoun originated from?

The Stabyhoun originated from the Netherlands.

Do Stabyhoun dogs bark a lot?

Yes, the Stabyhoun dog breed are known to bark a lot.

Is the Stabyhoun a good pet for lazy owners?

Definitely not. The Stabyhoun is an active, high-energy dog. Even though they may be laid back indoors, they still require a lot of exercise. As this breed of dog was originally bred for retrieving purposes, they enjoy playing fetch. Stabyhouns thrive better in houses than apartments. If you live in an apartment, you must walk you Stabyhoun at least daily.

Is the Stabyhoun a large breed of dog?

The Stayhoun is a rare dog breed. It is medium in size.

How much exercise does a Stabyhoun need?

The Stabyhoun has a considerable amount of energy. The dog needs to have a daily walk of about an hour in order to feel fulfilled. If well educated in obedience, they can play and run unleashed or with other dogs, when in a protected or fenced in environment.

What is a Stabyhoun?

A Stabyhoun is a dog. The Stabyhoun originated in Friesland, the northern province of the Netherlands where he was used for hunting and catching various vermin. It is believed that the Stabyhoun descended from spaniel dogs brought to this country by the Spanish and were later crossed with the local Drentsche Patrijshond, or Drents Partridge Dog. It is supposed that the breed name was derived either from the Dutch 'sta-mij-bij' which literally means 'stand with me', or 'staby' meaning 'assists the hunter'. The last part of the name, which means 'dog' in Dutch, is pronounced "hoon". The Stabyhoun is valued by hunters for his excellent tracking abilities, soft mouth, boundless energy, keen nose and obedience and remarkable endurance. He is particularly useful for hunting and retrieving ducks. On farms, he is a vigilant worker who keeps moles and rats off the property. The Stabyhoun was officially acknowledged in Holland as a breed in 1942 and since then this rare breed, which is not very well known outside its native land, steadily gains recognition outside the Netherlands. In the United States Stabyhouns can be registered with the AKC Foundation Stock Service.

Is the Stabyhoun a good breed for inexperienced dog owners to own?

Devoted, soft and gentle as a pet, very intelligent, obedient, good guard dog, not vicious or snappy. They are highly trainable, but need consistency. The Stabyhoun has a nice temperament, is friendly, tolerant, and willing to please. A characteristic of the Stabyhoun is its great tolerance toward children. The Stabyhoun is utmost a wonderful family and companion dog. This breed likes to have a job to do. They are keen and active dogs outside, but calm dogs inside of the house, as long as they get a moderate amount of daily exercise.Be sure you are this dog's firm, confident, consistent pack leader to avoid them from becoming stubborn and willful. Otherwise, this dog is great for inexperienced owners.

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