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What is an almirah?

An almirah is a cupboard, cabinet, or chest of drawers.

What is Almirah glass?

Almirah is a cabinet,shelf, or chest of drawers, so Almirah glass is the glass enclosing a bookshelf or cabinet. Source: wikipedia

Is almirah i a cuboid?


Almirah is solid at room temperatures give two reasons?

Almirah is a solid at room temperature, because it will only be liquid at its melting point and the room temperature is not its melting point.

Iron almirah is a solid at room temperature?

Yes, of course.

Is rusting of almirah a physical or a chemical change?

it is a chemical change

Is melting of almirah a physical or chemical change?

Melting is a physical change.

Why iron is used in making almirah?

Because iron is a cheap metal.

Is rusting of almirah a chemical or phsical change?

chemical change as a new substance is formed

Why is an iron almirah a solid?

Because it has a specific volume and a specific shape.

Why an iron almirah solid at room temperature?

this is because iron has a very high melting point and therefore at room temperature it remains as a solid......

Why is melting of butter is a physical change whereas rusting of almirah is a chemical change?

During melting the chemical structure is not changed; but rusting involve chemical rreactions.