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The usual pronunciation is as spelled, (ahb-STREHP-ur-us).

A variant is (uhb-STREHP-ur-us), with a leading schwa sound.

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Q: How do you pronounce obstreperous?
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What part of speech is obstreperous?

Obstreperous is an adjective.

What part of speech is the word obstreperous?

The word obstreperous is an adjective. It is used to describe something that is boisterous.

Who in To kill a mockingbird used the word obstreperous?

In "To Kill a Mockingbird," Miss Maudie Atkinson uses the word "obstreperous" to describe the behavior of the children. She says that they were "obstreperous the whole lot of 'em."

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As an adolescent, I was curious and eager to explore new things. I was a bit rebellious at times, but also had a strong sense of creativity and independence. Overall, I was navigating the transition from childhood to adulthood, trying to figure out who I was and where I fit in the world.

What is the opposite of obstreperous?

quiet or restrained

What is the definition of obstreperous?

Obstreperous means loud, unruly and turbulent! So basically, it is being (it's an adjective) loud and uncalled for (unnecessary).

How do you use Obstreperous in a sentence?

PCP also releases adrenaline so users become immensely strong; if they become obstreperous they often need several people to control them.

How do you spell obstrepirous?

The correct spelling is obstreperous (noisy, hard to control, e.g. obstreperous brats)

What is a obstreperous ogre?

First of all, you're misspelling it - its OGER ! not ogre ! (Don't worry, it's a common mistake). So, there is a mistake in your thinking. Any oger or niggeroger who doesn't get to do what he / she wants is an obstreperous oger. Obstreperous ogers ogerize really wildly (for niggerogers it's niggerogerize) so take care !

What is a word with more then one syllable?

. Obstreperous, myspace, Grandma....Etc,

Is ''obstreporous'' a word?

I don't know, but the general answer seems to be "no. "The correct spelling is Obstreperous.

What is a synonym for the word obstreperous?

Noisy, loud, disorderly, lawless, refractory