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You'd need a receipt of the sale. If it was stolen from you, and you failed to report it before the police came into possession of it, you can expect your difficulties to multiply. If it was used in the commission of a violent crime - particularly a murder - it will most likely be destroyed after the trial, and you won't get it back.

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Q: How do you prove a gun is yours if police have it?
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If the gun were found by you but it wasn't yours can still get charged for the gun?

You would if the police thought it was yours!

How can you prove that a gun is registered to you?

Most states don't require you to register guns. If you live in a state that does, you can probably contact your local sheriff or police department.

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Police should act no different on a crime involving a knife than a crime involving a gun. Both objects are dangerous (when in the wrong hands) and can prove fatal if used.

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How can you find out if a gun for sale at a garage sale is stolen?

If it has a serial number, ask your local police force to check it out. If it doesn't, it would be almost impossible for anyone to prove it was stolen.

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You should contact the police immediately. Have your court orders available to prove you have custody and the police will advise you on your next step.You should contact the police immediately. Have your court orders available to prove you have custody and the police will advise you on your next step.You should contact the police immediately. Have your court orders available to prove you have custody and the police will advise you on your next step.You should contact the police immediately. Have your court orders available to prove you have custody and the police will advise you on your next step.

What do you do if your registered pit bull was stollen and sold?

Contact the police at once. Be sure to take along your registration papers and photo's of you with the dog. If you can prove the dog is yours, they will assist you in getting it back and pressing criminal charges.

How do you find out what type of gun yours is if you dont know the model?

Take it to a gun store

Can you get your cell phone back that was with someone who committed a crime and now police department has it?

The phone is probably being used as evidence against the criminal. If it is yours, you can contact the station to see if there are any arrangements to getting it back. You may be asked to prove it is yours by providing a receipt or proof of a credit transaction for it.

What is needed to unpawn a gun?

If it is yours, the ticket and money.

Who arrives first the police or swat if you steal a gun?
