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I don't know, why don't you test it out? Try walking off a cliff and see what happens. If you don't fall to the ground, then gravity must be a myth. Otherwise, you will be feeling the effects of gravity the hard way.

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Q: How do you prove gravity exists?
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Why gravity exists?

Gravity exists because mass exists.

Does gravity exist on earth?

Gravity exists everywhere that mass exists, so the answer is yes.

What is a gravity zone?

gravity zone is the area where gravity exists.

How did Newton prove gravity?

Newton prove gravity by means of an apple falling on his head

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Gravity is a force that pulls two objects together. Gravity exists between two objects that have mass. Gravity exists in the whole universe

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The bottom line is "No."It likewise does not prove that God does notexist.

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As easily as you can prove the United States exists -- people have been to both places. Or simply - if you can see it, and other people can see it, then it exists.

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You go to Alberta and find Steve, and Steve will help you prove it exists... Hes super cool

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Isaac Newton discovered gravity.

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Gravity does not occur in mudslides. Gravity exists wherever there is mass.

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Nothing. Gravity exists in vacuum as well.

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