

Best Answer

Below , at the related link below , is one of the better tutorials on how to publish your comic book but it is only one way because there are a number of options available .

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Q: How do you publish your own comic book?
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Related questions

What website would you recommend to publish your own comic book professionally to the public?

You should have your own web-site built to publish your comic I have had several built by armediaproductions and they do a great job talk to Andy and tell him Scott sent you good luck here is the link to there site

How do you publish your own comic without spending money?

If you self-publish, you have to pay for it. If you sell your story and artwork, you get paid for it.

What was the first comic book series that was publish and what year was it published?

"Famous Funnies" in July 1934 .

What was the first comic book made?

In 1827, Switzerland's Rudolphe Töpffer created a comic strip and continued on to publish seven graphic novels. In 1837, "The Adventures of Obadiah Oldbuck" was published by Rudolphe Töpffer and it is considered the earliest known comic book

How do you sell a homemade comic book?

You can try outside a library , book store , your own website , , eBay or comic book shop .

How do you get a comic book made specifically for you with particular characters involved?

Comic Book Creator software allows you to create your own personalized comic books. You can buy it at the links I have provided.

How do I publish my book?

Got your own book, you can publish it for free. There are many choices available to publish your book. One easiest way is publishing through the website. is the most popular choice for self-publishing your book for free. You need to edit your book well, because you are the only one who is going to do it.

When was the first comic publish in the world?

k zone

How much is the first Batman comic?

I own the original DC Batman comic book #9 from 1940, how much is it worth?

Who comes up with names?

any one can and they can publish there own baby naming book

How can one publish a book on their own?

If one has already written a book and is looking to publish it on their own, there are a few options. Print on Demand, Electronic Publishing and Vanity Publishing are the options to choose from. Createspace, owned by Amazon, is a great way to get started.

Where can you get a comic published?

A good way to introduce your comic is Ka-blam comic book publishers because not only will they publish your comic for cheap, but it will be put on their website for people to buy. If you aren't interested in making money, or want to get your comics popular first, websites such as or work well.