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DENTIST!! Do not attempt this on your own. You will be at risk of severe infection if not done properly.

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Q: How do you pull out a rotten tooth?
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how much to pull a tooth?

how much to pull a tooth

Can doctor pull a rott en tooth?

The best person to go to for dental problems is your dentist. For all you or your doctor know, that "rotten" tooth may be saved from being extracted. To my knowledge, pulling teeth is not within a doctor's scope of practice.

Do you just pull a tooth?

Do you guys just pull a single tooth.

How do you know when your tooth is rotten?

If your poo is rotten... ... I think it might be when it is not solid formed. Like sort of liquidish.

Why does Georgias breath smells?

doesn't brush and has a rotten tooth

Why does Phil have a bad tooth?

cause he may have a rotten tooth and may have to go to the dentist to get it checked up

How do you pull out a puppy tooth?

um i actually think you shouldnt pull a puppy's tooth out

How do you pull out a losse tooth by yourself?

You hold it and pull............

How do you pull out a tooth?

Without pain: if you want to pull out a loose tooth with no pain, this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth back and forth and up and down. If it doesn't come out then, take a Kleenex and put the Kleenex over your tooth. Pinch your tooth really hard and pull it out. It wont hurt.With pain: if you want to pull a loose tooth out with pain (if you don't really mind), this is what you do. Wiggle your tooth for about 10 minutes. Take some pliers and pinch the tooth. Gently pull out the tooth. It usually doesn't hurt. This is the classic tooth-pulling strategy.I hope you guys get your money from the Tooth Fairy! *wink* Bah-bye, now!

What does climbing a black tooth in your dreams mean?

A black tooth is a tooth that is rotten or dead. Climbing something in a dream represents an effort or struggle. Combined, the images in this dream suggest that you are caught up in a "dead" or "rotten" struggle. Whatever purpose you are struggling to achieve is already "dead," a lost cause.

Should a 5 yr old have a tooth extracted and a spacer put in because the tooth is rotten?

yes he can i did and look at me now im 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When you pull a puppy tooth will adult tooth still come in?

Have a vet do it.