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you click where you want to drop them. then put them into the coconut shell this is only for bin weevils only

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Q: How do you put down the berries binweevils?
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Why wont it let you put the berries down in the new binpet mission on binweevils?

its a trick!

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get the elastic band a coconut:) put the berries on the elastic band and shoot at the nest then the guard

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the berries don't go on the catapult

What do you do if the berries wont go on he rubberband on binweevils?

try again

How do you distract binweevils temple guard?

you put down the rubber band you find when you are looking for the pieces and then go into the place where diggs is standing and then take the berries to get sprayed by the smelly plant then stick it on the rubber band. then use the binoculars and look at what the code is and enter that in and your in.

How do you juice?

Put about a cup of sliced berries in a flatish bowl and gently crush them with a fork. Press down and stir, press down and stir. Put those berries in another bowl and keep crushing berries until all are done.

How do you put the oranges down on binweevils?

well you have to go to the place where the gurd is then is you see a little patch where the flower that spits on the left place them down there

How do you put the oranges down on binweevils mission1?

well you have to go to the place where the gurd is then is you see a little patch where the flower that spits on the left place them down there

How do you get past the guard once he has flies on him on binweevils?

you have to have the orange berries and the scent you take the berries where rig is near the Gard and you put the berries down then you will see a elastic How_do_you_get_past_the_guard_of_light_on_binweevils_templequickly get that before the Gard sees you then get the split coconut then they will go in your back pack click the backpack and it will open put it on the entrance way and it will be come a sling shot and get the berries and put the berries on the sling shot get your binocnoglos out and look at the Gard at the door and look at the code it is different for every weevils so Dont ask me then you stop looking at your binoculous and with your berries on the slingshot hit the Gard it will get covered in scent then you hit the yellow nests on the trees and near the stairs and hit that then the gaurd will be hopping off the edge of the temple and he will fall of then go up the stairs and remember that code and enter the code in code lock near the door and put that code in and hophly the door will open you have to hit him whith the beries

Can you turn sound off on binweevils?

No thats the only down side really to binweevils!

What are Black Cap Berries?

Rubus occendentalis or Black Cap Berries, are just blackberries, only just put down to a smaller size. They are dark violet/purple and have small berries growing on the stem.

Where to find the orange berries on binweevils temple?

You can check for yourself don't rely on other people to do the work for you and just so you know it's in somebodies lab but do not tell a friend that has a binweevils cause i do her name is dressyrockyrock.