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I would be very careful about making a decision like that. You want to ask yourself if this would be a temperary placement or permanent.

Let me tell you my daughters experience with the state foster care system. After she had her third baby her husband left her without food or money. She later filed for devorce and was totally on her own with three children to care for. She tried to work to support the children and herself, but it got to be too, much for her. The children became unrully, and the youngest one gained control through temper tamtrums, and uncontrolled behavor. And she admits a lot of it was her fault,because she made some poor choices. I could see how it was affecting the whole family and I suggested she ask the social worker if the children could be placed in temporary foster care until she got her like together. Once they are placed into the welfare system you might as well forget about getting them back any time soon. The youngest is still in foster care, because Mom couldn't perform the things they demaned of her. What i am saying is once you place your children in foster care it,most likely, will not be on a temporary


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Q: How do you put your child in foster care?
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How does a child end up if foster care?

If a childs parents have died, given them up, abused or neglected them they might be put in foster care by child services.

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Yes if the relative is approved.

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Yes, the police can be called upon and the child can be put into foster care until he or she has been appointed a foster-parent.

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If the child is being abused or parents die for example. Also if a child is being put up for adoption they can stay in foster care until they have found parents.

How do you get child back from foster care Georgia statute?

Depends on why the child is in foster care. Consult your lawyer.

If you have a child and they are out of control can you willingly put them into faster care as a last resort?

i will assume you mean foster care and not faster and yes you can.

Parent has warrant for arrest?

Arrange child care and turn yourself in. If the police catch you they may put your kid in foster care.

What happens if a child leaves foster care in California at 16?

they gone be placed in foster care

What foster agencies are there?

yes but it depends on the child and the foster care agency.

Is the money for the foster parents or the child in foster care?

The money is to cover the expenses for the child but it's the foster parents that manage the money.

Can a girl who as a child and is in foster care get married?

Yes, you have the same rights as anyone else when in foster care.