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One day at a time. There is no one way to quit. For me the way is to just stop, and everytime you feel like taking one do something positive instead, such as call a friend who does not use, take a walk, read a book, make some cookies, anything to distract yourself. Each day will be a struggle but if you take one hour at a time and truly want to stop you will.

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Q: How do you quit taking pain pills on your own?
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If you received them legally, via a scrip, you can take tham ANY way you please! But its not recommended.

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Can stopping anti depression pills cause numbness and tingling of the face?

If you stopped taking anti depression pills carefully, you should feel normal. These pills are addictive and when you want to stop taking them you should ask your doctor for guidance on how to do it properly. If you've decided to stop taking them on your own, there's the possibility of having stopped too fast, not giving time to your body to not need the pills anymore. Remember that tingling of the face can be a sign of anxiety. I advise you strongly to see your doctor if numbness and tingling persist/get worse.

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its when you resign/quit your job voluntarly(you quit on your own terms), you don't get fired

Manage Your Blood Pressure and Cholesterol With Food?

For many people, lowering their high blood pressure and cholesterol might seem too daunting to do on their own. That is why they often turn to pills to manage both problems. However, once you begin taking pills for high blood pressure or high cholesterol, it can be almost impossible to stop taking them. A great way to avoid taking the pills is to manage your own blood pressure and cholesterol through your food choices. Start your day with a heart healthy whole grain cereal or oatmeal, and limit the red meat and dairy in your diet. Find substitutions which you enjoy instead!

Is it possible to flush pain pills out of your system?

Taking a lot of water and lemon will help a person to flush the painkillers from his system. Plenty of water makes someone urinate frequently and thereby remove most of the foreign chemicals from the body.

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