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You smile and be grateful that someone is thinking of you. It is a very romantic gesture and the person who sent them obviously shy and afraid so they send them anonymously That is what they say to me anyway. You should also tell everyone you got them and pay attention to their reactions. You never know; you might see who it was then.

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Q: How do you react to anonymous flowers?
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Why wont the florist tell you who sent you flowers?

The person who sent the flowers, and paid the florist, wants to be anonymous.

What distinguishes an artistic vase from one used for flowers?

Many artistic vases are shaped as such that placing flowers into them would either, A. kill the flowers, or B. ruin the vase

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Good Answer by Anonymous

In which Buffy the vampire slayer episode does spike bring anonymous flowers for joyce?

Episode 17 of season 5, "Forever."

How will pulling the petals off flowers affect how bees react to flowers?

If you pull the petals off a flower bees may not notice it so they cannot pollinate them

How does charlie react when the boy in the diner drops the dishes in the story flowers for algernon?

he laughs but experiance inner turmoil in his and ppl actions

If your girlfriend is mad at you and starts to ignore you how would you react?

well if my girlfriend was made at me i would give her a gift like a box of chocolates or some flowers. what you should do. you should give her a gift of love and flowers to prove it.

Who is anonymous who hacks websites?

Anonymous is an Collective Idea. anonymous is realy an idea, anonymous isn't a hacking group. there are computer hackers, who are joined to the Idea Anonymous, that's all. Anonymous is in our hearts, and we in theirs for freedom. everybody who lives for freedom,is anonymous. Anonymous could be you, could be me, could be your family, everybody is anonymous.

What is a good way to ask a girl to homecoming?

You give her an anonymous letter depending on who the girl is. If she is confused on things then just surprise her with flowers or something special. If she isn't confused and filled with curiosity give her an anonymous love letter. Then ask her out to homecoming if she says yes go for it if she says no she doesn't deserve you.

How do you spell anonymous?


I love someone and they don't know I do what should do?

You should send them an anonymous love note saying everything you want to do to them, and depending on how they react; - if they realize its you, see what they say. - if they don't realize its you, tell them. !

How did charlie's friends react to his becoming smarter in flowers for algernon?

they would feel scared to be around Charlie, because of how smart he was compared to them at the bakery